When Do I Think Of You? 我何時思念你?
--Joe Fazio ***best of***
I think of you in the peace
solitude and stillness of the early a.m., for
you are tranquillity.
I think of you on an ocean's front,
for you are the roar of the waves,
the power of the sea, and the salt in the air.
I think of you amidst a crowd
and the chorus of city sounds
...for that is my song, and you are the music.
You are my first thought of each new day,
and the last image I glimpse, as my eyes are
closed upon a feathered pillow.
In that secret place called sleep, it is you that
I search for, through shades of darkness and
clouds of cotton.
When do I think of you? Every moment
of my life. And, when the final sleep does come
and if there is thought...
it will be of you.
How I Love You...
I can't tell a soul
I love you
though my heart begs me to.
Every romantic song reminds me of you,
and every time I see a happy couple
I wish they were you and me.
Sometimes I write your name
and stare at it wistfully
as I imagine how great
our lives together would be...
but I can't tell a soul
I love you.
I can't even tell you.
I wrote a poem about you,
trying to express the depth of my emotion,
hoping to make you understand
the breadth of my devotion,
but the words were not enough.
I couldn't explain
how strongly I feel about you;
I couldn't describe
the volatile mix of joy and pain,
because I can't tell a soul
I love you.
Sometimes I feel like my need to see you
is consuming me inside,
and sometimes when I think about you
I tremble...
my love for you is never easy to hide.
I called my best friend
to explain how much I love you...
but the words stalled on my tongue,
and again, I had to pretend...
because I can't tell a soul
I love you.
I sat on the beach
and drew a heart in the sand
while I thought about you.
I imagined the joy of being with you,
of simply holding your hand.
I wanted to find you;
I wanted to tell you how much I love you,
and that I would always love you
no matter what you do.
As the tide dashed in to steal the heart
and carry it off to the sea
where it would remain for eternity,
I decided that I can never tell you
I love you,
but I will always try to show you.
Candle of Love...燭光之戀
Few people come into our lives
and make everything shine,
but you're one of those
rare and splendid jewels
who makes the whole world bright.
When I was sad, you made me smile.
When I was alone and blue,
you were there for me,
and you made me feel strong enough
to accomplish anything.
Because I appreciate
the many things you do,
more than words could say,
I'm sending you the Candle of Love,
and hoping you receive
many blessings from above.
Please send the candle of love
to someone who has touched your life,
and keep the flame of love burning bright.
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