


  M: Hi, Ellen ! Is this your new bike?


  E: Yes, I bought it only yesterday.


  M: It's cool! May I have a try?


  E: Of course. Don't forget to ride on the left.


  M: Oh, I think it'll take me some time to get used to it. You know, in my country, we should drive, ride and walk on the right.

  M:嗯,我想我還需要一定時間來適應這個規則。你是 知道的,在我們國家,不管開車,騎車還是走路都 要靠右行。

  E: Well,it could be dangerous if you break the rules.


  M: OK, I think I'd better try on your bike when I get more familiar with the traffic regulations here. Why do so many people commute by bike in Cambridge?

  M:好的,我想我還是等熟悉這裡的交通規則以後再來 試騎你的車吧。為什麼劍橋有那麼多人都以自行車 作為交通工具呢?

  E: You see, Cambridge City is small and flat, besides, the colleges of Cambridge University scatter in every comer of the city. Riding a bike between lectures is quick and convenient.

  E:劍橋市面積不大,而且地勢平坦。此外,劍橋大學的各個學院分佈在城市的毎個 角落,騎自行車往來於課堂之間十分方便快捷。

  M: And it is almost the most environment-friendly way of commute.


  E: That's right. Since riding a bike is the most common way to commute in this city, there are a lot of regulations about riding.


  M: For example?


  E: For example, people under 18 or above 60 should wear a helmet when they ride, and your bike should be equipped with two lights, with one in the front and the other in the back.

  E:比如說,18歲以下,60歲以上的人騎車出行都要佩戴頭盔。毎輛自行車都必須 配備前後兩蓋燈。

  M: We don't have this kind of regulations in our country.


  E: It's a little bit troublesome but it's for the sake of safety.


  M: I agree. I noticed that people just leave their bikes propped against a wall and some of them are even unlocked, thus I'm wondering is it because that there is no bike crime here?

  M:我完全同意,我注意到,這裡的人經常隨便把車靠在牆上,有些車甚至都不上鎖, 所以,我在想,是不是這裡都沒有人車?

  E: No, it's far from the case. People sometimes just take their bikes casually and Cambridge is the UK's bike crime capital.


  M: You must be careful with your bike.


  E: I will. If you're interested in biking, you can join the CUCC. That's the Cambridge University Cycling Club.


  M: I'd like to, but I'm not very skilled in cycling.


  E: It doesn't matter. CUCC has a wide variety of events for members of all abilities. Membership is available for all types of students and university staff.

  E:沒關係,俱樂部有各種各樣的活動,成員們可以根據自身的情況進行選擇。所有 的學生和教職員工都有參加這個俱樂部的資格。

  M: Really? Can you tell me more about the club, for example, the history of it?

  M:真的嗎? <爾可不可以給我介紹一下這個俱樂部啊,比如它的歷史什麼的。

  E: Of course. The club came into being in 1874 with 11 members; within five years this figure was in excess of 260 and included all members of the University from undergraduates to Fellows.

  E:當然啦。這個俱樂部成立於1874年,當時只有11位成員。5年之內,成員人數 就增長到了 260人,包括大學裡各類人士,即有本科生又有研究員。

  M: How popular it is! Is there any competition held by the club?


  E: Yes. Within two months of its formation, the Dark Blue Bicycle Club requested the first inter-varsity race. This inaugural race was held on the 18th June 1874,and consisted of an 80 mile course between Oxford and Cambridge. Cambridge won, taking both the first and second places.

  E:舉行過。在它成立兩個月內,深藍自行車俱樂部就向它發起了第一次大學對抗 賽。這次比賽在1874年6月18日舉行,賽道是牛津到劍橋之間的_條80米的路。 劍橋蠃了,第_名和第二名都由劍橋的學生取得。

  M: Wow, Cambridge is really good at cycling.


  E: Yes, but sometimes Oxford won the match. The club went from strength to strength through the 1880s, with amateur racing flourishing.

  E:是,但是牛津有時也會贏得比賽。整個19世紀80年代,這個俱樂部變得越來越 強大,業餘愛好者比賽盛行。

  M: OK, thanks for your information. I will join the club and maybe someday I will be the winner of the amateur race.

  M:好的,謝謝你告訴我這些。我也要加入這個俱樂部,沒準有一天我也會成為業餘 愛好者比賽的冠軍呢。

  E: Great. There are few easier ways to get fit and healthy than by enjoying a leisurely cycle ride instead of catching the bus or getting in the car.

  E:太好了。既簡單,又有利於健康的運動莫過於悠閒地騎騎自行車了,這比坐公交 或者開車都要好得多。


  L: Hi, Joanne. I’m thinking about borrowing some books from the University Library, but you know, I am new here,so could you please tell me something about the library?

  L:嗨,喬安妮。我正打算去學校圖書館借幾本書呢,但是我是新生,你能不能結我 介紹一下圖書館啊?

  J:Of course. Some students said that it is a huge labyrinth.


  L:Yes. It must not be easy for a new-comer to find what he or she wants.


  J:Don't worry. At the beginning of every semester, introductory tours would be given by the librarian, explaining the catalogues, shelving arrangements, closed access collections and book-fetching.

  J:不要擔心。每個學期開始的時候,大學圖書館的管理員都會義務舉辦各類主題的 圖書館使用講座,講解圖書目錄的編排,書架的擺放規則,非開放類資料和圖書 借取。

  L:They are really considerate. But I think it will take us some time to get familiar with it


  J:True. There is an online library floorplan to help you find your way around. The library staffs are very kind; I think they will be pleased to help you.

  J:對。館裡還有線上圖書館樓層安排,你也可以藉助這個找到正確路線。圖書管理 員們也都非常和氣,他們都很樂意幫忙。

  L: That's great. Maybe if s better for me to ask the staff for help when I can,t find what Vm looking for.


  J: Yes. In addition, the library is the centrally-administered library of the University of Cambridge and comprises five separate libraries.


  L: Five separate libraries?

  L: 5個分館?

  J: Yes. They are the University Library main building, which is commonly referred to simply as “the UL”,the Medical Library, the Betty and Gordon Moore Library, the central Science Library and the Squire Law Library.

  J:是啊,圖書館的主樓,通常被簡稱為"UL”,醫學圖書館,貝蒂和戈登摩爾圖書 館,中心科學圖書館和法學圖書館。

  L: Who can use the Library?


  J: All members of the University of Cambridge are welcome to use the library. Besides, academic staff and research students from other universities, private and business researchers may apply to use the library for reference*

  J:所有劍橋大學的成員都可以使用。另外,其他大學的從事科學研究的教職工或者 學生,其他私人和商業機構研究員也可以申請使用劍橋的圖書館。

  L: Does the library charge any fee?


  J: It is not free to eveiybody. A 10 pounds administration charge for 6 months applies to applicants from non-UK universities and the public.

  圖書館並不是對每個人都免費。非英國大學 的申請人和公眾需要繳納10英鎊,這是半年 的費用。

  L: Not expensive. I guess the library must have covered all the subjects in human history.

  這並不貴。我想圖書館的書籍肯定包括了人 類歷史上所有的學科。

  J: You are right. There are many precious copies of the ancient works.


  L: I heard that it is a legal deposit library, what does this mean?


  J: It means that it is entitled to claim a copy of every publication in printed form published in the UK and Ireland. Almost all of this material is claimed and can be consulted in the library.

  這就是說,它有權利要求所有在英國和愛爾 蘭出版的圖書都交送一份紿它。我們可以在圖 書館裡找到所有的這類材料,並進行使用。

  L: That's great!


  J: It also holds extensive collection of books, journals, maps, microfilms, photographs and sound recordings published overseas and has extensive special collections of rare books, manuscripts, and other materials.

  圖書館裡還有大量圖書、期刊、地圖、縮影膠 片、照片和海外音像資料,更有許多的孤本,手稿和其他材料。

  L: It's no wonder that scholars all over the world want to come to Cambridge and meanwhile so many world-famous scholars and scientists who have made great contribution have spent part of their life studying in Cambridge.

  所以,世界各地的學者都想到劍橋來,而許多聞名世界的學者和科學家都曾經在 劍橋待過,就一點也不奇怪了。

  J: Absolutely.


  L: When is it open? I am afraid it is closed now.


  J: Let me see. No, you still have the time. It won't be closed until 19: 00 from Monday to Friday. If it is on weekends, you should be more careful with the time. On Saturdays it will be closed at 5 pm and it is closed on Sundays.

  我看看。還沒呢,還有時間。週一到週五是晚上七點關門。但如果是固末,你就 得注意點時間了。週六是晚上5點關門,週日閉館。

  L: I see. I'd better hurry up now.


  J:. Don't forget to take your University ID Card with you. It's all you need to start using tiie Library.


  L: I won't. Thanks for your information!



  S: Do you know that Cambridge received 14,585 applications and Oxford 13,287 for entry this October?

  S:你知道嗎,今年10月,劍橋大學收到了 14585份入學申請,牛津收到了 13287份。

  J: Yes. But how many of them will survive the interview is still in doubt.


  S: Cambridge alone rejected at interview more than 5,000 students last year who went on to get three A grades in their A levels, underlining the intensity of competition.

  S:去年劍橋就拒絕了 5000多名學生的申請。這些學生都是獲得了 3個A-level成 績的學生,這就說明了競爭有多麼激烈。

  J: True. Interviewers in those two Universities are good at posing eccentric questions.


  S: They may all be academic thoroughbreds, but success in the Oxbridge stakes can seem as remote as winning the Grand National,

  S:他們可能學習都很優秀,但是能通過面試的機率就跟在英國"全國大賽馬”獲勝 一樣低。

  J: It was said that the tutors select people they want to teach ultimately.


  S: The competition against other students is fierce and candidates need to differentiate themselves, “To be honest, they're competing against each other,not against the interviewers,"said a don in the university.

  S:同學之間的競爭特別激烈,申請者們必須有與眾不同之處才能脫穎而出。一位面 試官曾講過:“老實說,他們是彼此在競爭而不是在和麵試官競爭。”

  J: Yes. Nearly all applicants have excellent A-level grades, so places are increasingly awarded for original answers in interviews.

  J:對。幾乎所有的申請人的成績都是非常優秀的A-level,所以能否被錄取就更加 取決於他們在面試中的表現了。

  S: So it's worth actively engaging with the questions, without being rude or confrontational, rather than tiptoeing around to avoid mistakes.

  S:所以,面試者不能傲慢粗魯,也不能畏畏縮縮的逃避犯錯,而是積極地參與到問 題中去。

  J: Some entrants are so nervous that they even practice the interview on a daily basis with the help of their parents at home.


  S: Really? Does it help?


  J: It's hard to say. But a mother of a twin said that she thinks the practices are really helpful, and she even suggested parents of the applicants should help their children to practice their reaction and creative thinking.

  J:這不好說。但是有_位雙胞胎的家長說,§也認為這種練習+分有用,她還建議別 的學生家長也在家幫助孩子們練習,以增強反應能力和創造性思維的能力。

  S: That might be true. However, I also heard that over-rehearsing does no good to the interview because they might lose the ability of responding naturally and spontaneously.


  J: Yes. You really have no idea what the tutors are looking for. One of my friends who got 5 As at A-Level, was head boy, involved in Drama, charity work and debating did not get into Cambridge.

  j:有道理。很難說這些老師們到底要尋找什麼樣的人才。我有一位朋友曾經在 A_level得了 5個A、擔任班長、參加戲劇演出、慈善工作、也是辯論社的一員, 可是他還是被劍橋錄取。

  S: Why?


  J: Who knows why? Maybe he just didn't fit what the tutor was looking for.

  J:誰知道為什麼。也許只是因為他不是老師 們要找的人。

  S: Well, I think the teacher must also be highly pressured on this since they might have made the wrong decision.

  S:嗯,我覺得老師們恐怕也非常有壓力,因 為他們很可能會作鉳誤的決定。

  J: Yes, I heard that next week, in an attempt to standardize its admissions procedure, Oxford will announce that all dons are to be put through training sessions to remind them how to interview fairly and well.

  J:是啊。我聽說為了使招生程式標準化,牛 津宣佈下週對所有參加面試的老師進行培訓,

  S: They just shouldn't be so picky.


  J: They might appear to be cruel, but there are only few places, they must make the decision.


  S: Let me tell you an interesting story about the admissions ritual at Peterhouse, Cambridge. When a candidate entered the room, someone would kick a rugby ball towards him. If he caught it, he was in; if he drop-kicked it back, he won a scholarship.

  S:我跟你講一個有趣的故事,是關於劍橋彼得學院招生面試的。面試者一進入面試 的房間,就會有人踢給他一個橄欖球,如果接到了,他就會被錄取;如果把球踢 了回去,就能贏得獎學金。

  J: That's interesting but can't be true!


  S: No one suggests that happens now, but tales still circulate about baffling questions posed by dons.


  J: They said sometimes teenagers can break down in tears.


  S: How does the teacher cope?


  J; One of the dons said to them: 4tif you want to cry for another five minutes, you can.” Sometimes they go away, have a cup of coffee and come back.

  J:—位面試官跟現場大哭的學生說:“如果你還想再哭5分鐘的話,請便。"有時候, 他們只是暫時離開,喝杯咖啡再回來。

  S: Are you kidding me?
