1. account for„%佔百分比
2. intercultural communication國際文化交流
3. equal stress on integrity and ability德才兼備
4. to become educated through independent study自學成材
5. compulsory education普及教育
6. preschool/elementary/secondary/higher/ education學前/初等/中等/高等教育
7. adult education成人教育
8. vocational and technical education職業技術教育
9. institutions of higher learning高等學校
10. in-service training course在職進修班
11. compulsory/optional course必修/選修課
12. record of formal schooling學歷\
13. diploma文憑, 學歷證明
14. vegetation coverage植覆蓋
15. marine life海洋生物
16. discharge排放
17. to protect rare animals and plants保護珍稀動物和植物
18. wild animal/wild life野生動物
19. renewable/non-renewable resources可更新/不可更新資源
20. ecological balance生態平衡
21. natural reserve自然保護區
22. ecosystem生態系統
23. environmental pollution環境汙染
24. integrated control of environmental pollution環境汙染綜合防治
25. afforestation植樹造林
1. shelterbelt防護林帶
2. soil erosion水土流失
3. desertification沙化
4. acid rain酸雨
5. foreign policies對外政策
6. cornerstone基石
7. reiterate重申
8. observe/abide by遵守
9. in compliance with照
10. open vast vistas開闢廣闊的前景
11. confrontation對抗
12. to seek common grounds while reserving differences求同存異
13. friendly exchanges友好往來
14. nato北約
15. unesco聯合國教科文組織
16. un聯合國
17. opec世界石油輸出國組織
18. apec亞太經合組織
19. wto世界貿易組織
20. imf國際貨幣基金組織
21. women and children婦女兒童
22. legal system法制
23. enact制定, 頒佈
24. minor未成年人
25. self recognition對自我價值的認識
1. foreign trade and special economic zones對外貿易和經濟特區
2. interior areas內地
3. trading partner貿易伙伴
4. corporate income tax企業所得稅
5. export/import duty出口/進口關稅
6. to coordinate the development協調發展
7. to be approved by the state國家批准
8. balance of payment收支平衡
9. transnational corporation跨國公司
10. economic and technological development zone經濟技術開發區
11. utilize foreign investment利用外資
12. direct foreign investment國外直接投資
13. to improve investment environment改善投資環境
14. technology and knowledge intensive project技術密集, 知識密集型專案
15. favorable/unfavorable trade balance 順差/逆差
16. education教育
17. input in education教育投入
18. communal participation社會參與
19. enhance the moral awareness of提高„„的思想品德
20. professional ethics 職業道德
21. credit system學分制
22. guarantee job assignments包分配
23. multi-disciplinary多學科的
24. key university重點大學
25. national expenditure on education 國家教育經費