


  1. be concerned with 關心…,涉足…

  2. be dying to渴望

  3. be fed up with受夠了be tired of

  4. be in hospital 住院

  5. be in season 上市的in peak season旺季

  6. be in the mood to do sth. 想做

  7. be pressed for time時間不夠

  8. be tied up with忙於

  9. be under the weather 身體不好

  10. beat around the bush 拐彎沒角

  11. beat the crowd 避開人群

  12. before long 不久以後

  13. behind schedule 誤點

  14. bent on sth. 下定決心做…

  15. beside point 離題的,不相干的

  16. beyond one's ability超越某人的能力

  17. beyond question 毫無疑問

  18. book on reserve 須留的圖書

  19. booked up 訂完了

  20. bound for開往


  1. break down拋錨

  2. break though突破

  3. break up with和某人分手使…發生

  4. bring someone up to date幫某人趕上

  5. by air 通過航空途徑

  6. by all means 盡一切辦法,務必

  7. by and by 不久,遲早

  8. by chance 偶然,碰巧

  9. by far 最,...得多

  10. by hand 用手,用體力

  11. by itself 自動地,獨自地

  12. by means of 用,依靠

  13. by mistake 錯誤地,無意地


  1. count on依靠

  2. count the day期待

  3. count the day期待

  4. counter to與...相反

  5. crazy about熱衷,著迷

  6. critical of挑剔,批評

  7. cry in one's beer借酒消愁

  8. cry on one's shoulder依靠

  9. curious about好奇,想知道

  10. cut down on 減少

  11. cut down削減

  12. cut in插入

  13. cut off切斷

  14. cut out切除

  15. cut someone short打斷

  16. cut through抄近路

  17. cut up切碎

  18. die out 滅絕

  19. distinct from種類風格不同

  20. do the laundry洗衣服

  21. doubtful of about懷疑

  22. drop by in 順路拜訪

  23. due to 由於,因為

  24. each other 互相

  25. easier said than done說起來容易做起來難

  26. east of在...東面

  27. equal to相等,勝任

  28. equivalent to等於,相當於

  29. flat tire輪胎沒氣

  30. flat tire輪胎沒氣

