


  There are many people in the world now. There will ***1***_____ a lot more people nextcentury. ***2***_____ earth will be very crowded ***3***______ there will be a little room ***4***_____each person. Maybe there will be ***5***______ room only on the earth 600 years ***6***______. Thatwill be a very serious problem.

  So man is ***7***_______ of a way to solve the ***8***______.

  The moon is the ***9***_______ of the earth. Maybe man will go to ***10***____ on the moon oneday. But there ***11***______ no air, no plants, no life there. So ***12***______ are doing experiment***13***______ many ways. They ***14***_______ solve many problems ***15***_______ man can liveon the moon. I'm sure our dream will come true in the next century.

  *** ***1. A. be B. are C. has D. have

  *** ***2. A. / B. The C. An D. A

  *** ***3. A. but B. or C. and D. so

  *** ***4. A. to B. at C. with D. for

  *** ***5. A. standing B. sitting C. sleeping D. doing

  *** ***6. A. faster B. later C. earlier D. sooner

  *** ***7. A. saying B. telling C. thinking D. knowing

  *** ***8. A. matter B. accident C. question D. problem

  *** ***9. A. satellite B. sun C. star D. sky

  *** ***10.A. see B. stay C. look D. lives

  *** ***11.A. are B. is C. am D. was

  *** ***12.A. farmers B. teachers C. workers D. scientists

  *** ***13. A. in B. with C. on D. of

  *** ***14. A. may B. have to C. can D. will

  *** ***15. A. before B. after C. since D. till


  1.A. 這是一句there be句式的將來時態。

  2.B. 在表示世界上獨一無二的詞語前面應該加上冠詞the 。

  3.C. 這是一個前後銜接的句子,用and連線即可。

  4.D. 由於地球上的人口越來越多,所以留給每個人的生存空間越來越小了。介詞for 的意思就是“為……”。

  5.A. 由於人口增多,在地球上人們恐怕只有站著的地方***立足之地***了。

  6.B. 這裡所指的時間是六百年之後,later就表示這一含義。

  7.C. think of 是一個固定短語,意思是”思考,考慮”。

  8.D. 人口問題是一個很難解決的難題,所以用problem最佳。

  9.A. 月球是地球的衛星。

  10.B. 將來人類或許會到月球上居住。但選項中的lives 是第三人稱單數,因此選stay即可。

  11.B. 這是there be 結構,主語為不可數名詞,因此係詞應該用單數,並且月球上沒有空氣,水和生命是一個客觀事實,因此應該用一般現在時態。

  12.D. 根據所給詞語的詞義可知答案。

  13.A. 表示“在……方面”應用介詞in。

  14.B. 根據所給詞語的詞義可知答案

  15.A. 只有先解決好去月球居住的各種問題,人類才能到月球上居住。


  It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still ***1***_____ on the icenear a big hotel. They were having a good time.

  Suddenly the ice ***2***_____. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didn’t know ***3***_____ to so. The two Canadian friends heard ***4***______ andskated over to get the boy out of the water.

  The ice was ***5***_____. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their bestto ***6***_____ the little boy. They knew they must be ***7***_____. If they didn't push him up ontothe ice, he would soon die.

  Many people ran over to ***8***_____. Some of them had ropes and poles. A young manjumped into the water to save the ***9***_______ people.

  The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didn'tfeel well. She was sent to the ***10***_______ at once. But she felt very happy because the boywas safe.

  *** ***1. A. boating B. skating C. planting D. swimming

  *** ***2. A. broke B. shone C. closed D. flew

  *** ***3. A. who B. when C. what D. where

  *** ***4. A. one B. him C. them D. her

  *** ***5. A. big B. small C. thick D. thin

  *** ***6. A. save B. wake C. see D. tell

  *** ***7. A. slow B. quick C. sorry D. wrong

  *** ***8. A. play B. shout C. push D. help

  *** ***9. A. two B. three C. four D. five

  *** ***10.A. hospital B. school C. library D. garden


  1.B. 在冰面上一定是在滑冰。

  2.A. 根據下句“One of the boys fell into the water.”可知冰面肯定是斷開了。

  3.C. 這裡用what to do***該怎麼辦***比較合理,因為孩子們只是在喊”Help”,他們也不知道怎麼辦好。

  4.C. 由於是孩子們在喊,所以這裡的代詞為複數形式。

  5.D. “The two Canadians fell into the water. ”的原因一定是冰面太薄。

  6.A. 兩個加拿大人跳入水中的目的就是要救那個孩子。

  7.B. 根據下句“If they didn't push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.”可知他們的行動必須要迅速。

  8.D. 在當時的情況下,人們過來就是來幫忙的。

  9.B. 當時落的有a boy, 還有two Canadians,一共三個人。

  10.A. 由於“one of the women didn't feel well”,所以the woman 肯定被送到醫院的。