


  Helen was seven years old. One day one of her teeth began to hurt. She ***1***____ in class atschool, and her teacher ***2***______ kindly, “What's the matter, Helen?”

  “One of my teeth hurts, “answered Helen.

  “Tell your mother about ***3***_____, “ said the teacher, “and then go to see the dentist.”

  That afternoon Helen told her mother about her tooth, and her mother ***4***_____ her to thedentist's a few hours ***5***______. The dentist looked at the tooth and then said to Helen. “It'svery ***6***______. I'm going to pull it ***7***_____, and then you're going to get a new tooth. It willbe as nice as ***8***______ next year.” Then he did it with no trouble.

  The next day Helen's teacher asked her about the tooth. She said to her, “Does it***9***______ hurt, Helen?”

  “I don't know. You'd better ask the dentist, “Helen answered.

  “Why?” the teacher asked.

  “Because the dentist has ***10***______ it, “ Helen answered.

  *** ***1. A. cried B. talked C. shouted D. laughed

  *** ***2. A. spoke B. told C. shouted D. asked

  *** ***3. A. her B. him C. it D. them

  *** ***4. A. brought B. took C. put D. got

  *** ***5. A. only B. ago C. later D. before

  *** ***6. A. hurt B. well C. healthy D. bad

  *** ***7. A. on B. in C. out D. off

  *** ***8. A. the other B. the one C. another D. the others

  *** ***9. A. much B. very C. still D. also

  *** ***10.A. kept B. pulled C. done D. thrown


  1.A. 因為牙痛,Helen肯定是在課堂上哭了。

  2.D. 以為Helen在哭,所以老師一定要問她原因的。

  3.C. 老師讓Helen 告訴她媽媽的是關於她牙痛的事。

  4.B. 這裡使用的是“take somebody to…”這一句式,它的意思是”帶某人去某地”。

  5.C. later用在時間段之後表示“在……之後”。其他幾個詞則沒有這種用法。

  6.D. 牙痛一定是牙壞了,這裡的bad是用在系詞後做表語的。

  7.C. 因為牙痛,牙醫是要把壞牙拔出來的。

  8.D. the other 指兩者中的另外一個;another 指多者中的另一個;the others則指其他所有的。根據這一用法,這裡使用the others 最恰當。

  9.C. 根據所給的四個詞的詞義可知答案。

  10.A. 因為牙醫把Helen的牙拔掉了,所以Helen認為只有牙醫才知道牙痛還是不痛。


  Our school has a big library. It has many ***1***______ on different subjects. Students canread books and newspapers in the ***2***______ room. They can also borrow books from thelibrary. But they must ***3***______ them on time. If they ***4***______ books, they must pay forthem. Miss Yang works in the library. She is very helpful and ***5***______ to the students.

  One morning she was ***6***_______ at the desk when Han Meimei hurried in. She told MissYang that she couldn't find the library book “ Harry Potter “***7***_____. At that moment, Lucycame into the library with Meimei's library. She ***8***______ it in the classroom. Meimei was very***9***______. She thanked Lucy and said that she would be more ***10***______ from then on.

  *** ***1. A. books B. pictures C. teachers D. students

  *** ***2. A. meeting B. waiting C. sitting D. reading

  *** ***3. A. give B. return C. lend D. borrow

  *** ***4. A. buy B. leave C. forgot D. lose

  *** ***5. A. bad B. strict C. kind D. ready

  *** ***6. A. playing B. studying C. sleeping D. working

  *** ***7. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere

  *** ***8. A. left B. found C. bought D. looked for

  *** ***9. A. sad B. happy C. sorry D. angry

  *** ***10.A. helpful B. careful C. thankful D. forgetful


  1.A. 圖書館裡肯定有書籍。

  2.D. 學生們讀書應在閱覽室中。

  3.B. 借了圖書館的書是一定要還的。

  4.D. 只有把書丟了才要還的。

  5.C. 根據後面的介詞to, 只有kind 可以和它連用,意思是“對某人態度友好”。

  6.D. 根據文章的意思,當時Miss Yang 肯定是在桌子旁工作。

  7.C. 這是一句否定句,所以應該用anywhere 。

  8.B. 書應該是在教室裡找到的。

  9.B. 丟失的書重新被找到,Meimei當然是很高興的。

  10.B. 這次是由於Meimei 的不小心才丟的書,所以今後她會更小心的。