


  Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous westerner to visit Asia during the middle Ages. He wrote a book about his travels. In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard. Many people read the book but few believed what Marco Polo said. He spoke of strange people and places that nobody knew about at that time.

  As a young man, Marco Polo decided to travel together with his father. It took them more than three years to travel to China. He became the Chinese emperor’s friend. He learned the Chinese language when he traveled around and talked to many people. Before he reached the age of thirty he was made a Chinese official.

  After nearly seventeen years in the east, Marco and his father prepared to return home. When they finally arrived in Venice, their family and friends were surprised to see them again. They had been away for almost 25years.

  1. What made Marco Polo famous during the middle Ages?

  A. His travel to America. B. His travel in the west. C. His travel in Asia. D. His visit to Venice.

  2. What did Marco Polo write about in his book?

  A. How he traveled to China with his father. B. Something too difficult for people to understand.

  C. Some strange people and places D. Something that had been known to people for many years.

  3. Marco Polo worked as a Chinese official in ________.

  A. 1254 B. 1284 C. 1271 D. 1279

  4. Which of the following is the right order during Marco’s travel?

  a. traveled with his father b. was made a Chinese official

  c. wrote a book about his travel d. became Chinese emperor’s friend

  e. returned to Venice

  A. c-a-d-b-e B. c-a-b-d-e C. a-b-d-e-c D. a-d-b-e-c


  1.C 文首的這句“Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous westerner to visit Asia during the Middle Ages.”即是答案的出處。

  2.C 本題屬表層理解題。答案就在短文開頭一段的最後一句話中。

  3.B 根據“Before he reached the age of thirty he was made a Chinese official.”這句話及文首的1254年即可推算出他被任命為中國古代官員時的年代。

  4.A 本文的時間線索非常清晰。首先根據最末一段的“When they finally arrived in Venice,…”可排除C和D,然後由第二段所述的情況即可輕易將干擾項B篩選掉。


  EVERYTHING has two sides. One side of SARS is already clear. It is a deadly disease, whichcauses fear. There were 2,601 cases ***病例*** recorded on the Chinese mainland on April 24,according to government report. 115 people have died and numbers keep rising.

  But, there is another side.

  SARS is a reminder ***提醒*** of how fragile life can be. Suddenly, it’s not just the old peoplewho are thinking about death. Everyone now realizes there might not always be a tomorrow.

  Wang Xinying, a student in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province came into contact ***接觸*** with asuspected ***疑似*** SARS patient in mid-April. He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks. “Watching TV about more and more SARS patients dying, I never knew that death could be soclose. Life is valuable ***珍貴的*** and I’m going to treasure ***珍惜*** every single day,” he said.

  SARS teaches people to be grateful, both for their own lives and for others. Doctors andnurses, for example, have to spend all their time with infected ***被感染的*** patients. As a result,more than one fifth of SARS cases in China are medical workers.

  Xu Bing, a student of Beijing No. 5 Middle School wants to be a doctor in the future. “Although they certainly know the dangers, doctors and nurses kept working hard on savingpeople’s lives. I’m deeply moved by what they have done. I think they are real heroes.” he said.

  SARS also teaches sympathy ***同情***. The past few weeks have been terrible for Chinesepeople. But there are far worse things than SARS in this world, such as war, earthquakes androbberies. Think of the Iraqis, who have been living terrible lives for 20 years. Think of how theAmericans felt on 9.11.

  And finally, SARS offers the chances to grow. All different kinds of people and thegovernments are joining together to work in this difficult time. When this passes, China and itspeople will have learned great lessons.

  1.What does “Everyone now realizes there might not always be a tomorrow” mean?

  It means life is easy to _____ and we must ______ our life.

  2.How long was Wang Xinying told to stay at home?

  He was told to stay at home for about _______ a _______.

  3.Why can medical workers be easily infected?

  Because they have to be with infected patients _______ and _______.

  4.What do we learn in the difficult time?

  We learn nothing is difficult if we ___________.


  1.lose, love/treasure。短文第三自然段的意思是說,SARS的流行提醒人們:生命是脆弱的。突然間的死亡不只是老年人所面臨的。現在每個人都意識到明天不總是有的。也就是說,“生命是很容易失去的,我們大家都應當熱愛***珍惜***生命。”

  2.half, month。本小題所提的問題是“王信英被告知在家裡呆大約多長時間?” “He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks.”一句中的“at least two weeks”***至少兩個星期***即是答案。但在解題時,要注意抓住兩個空格中間的冠詞a,從而可以聯想到由其構成的時間狀語,否則就會不知所措。

  3.day, night。根據“Doctors and nurses, for example, have to spend all their time with infected patients.”中的可以聯想到醫生和護士們日日夜夜地 ***day and night***與SARS病人在一起。故可得答案。本題也應從連詞“and”入手,聯絡題中資訊方能找出答案。

  , together。短文最後一段說,在SARS嚴重威脅人們生命健康的這一段時間裡,不同國家的人和政府攜手合作,終於戰勝了SARS。文中的“All different kinds of people and the governments are joining together to work in this difficult time.”這句話對答案有暗示作用。