


  1.[2016·天津河西區一模]A Midsummer Night's Dream ***open*** at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.

  答案:opens 根據語境可知此處表示一種狀態,且“and then tours”可知應用一般現在時態。

  2.[2016·陝西西安八校聯考]—Your spoken English is so good. Have you been abroad?

  —Yes. I ***stay*** in America for three years.

  答案:stayed 根據對話語境可知,後者現在已出國歸來,也就是說“stay”這一動作與現在無關,故用一般過去時態。

  3.[2016·北京豐臺區一模]The book I wrote last year ***print*** and it will soon come out.

  答案:is being printed 根據“It will soon come out”可知當前正在印刷中,“the book”與“print”之間為被動關係,故用現在進行時態的被動語態。

  4.[2016·陝西83中二模]—That's the third time he ***win*** the award in this field.

  —Yes. He ***explore*** his maximum potential in the past decade.

  答案:has won; has been exploring 第一空考查“This/That/It is+the+序數詞+從句”結構,從句中用現在完成時態;第二空根據“in the past decade”可知用現在完成時,結合語境,“他一直在挖掘自己的潛力”,故填現在完成進行時。

  5.[2016·北京海淀區一模]—It is said that John's paper got an A.

  —He deserves it. He ***prepare*** a lot before he handed it in.

  答案:had prepared 根據before引導的狀語從句,可知“prepare”發生在“handed”動作之前,故用過去完成時。

  6.[2016·北京朝陽區一模]Sally was excited to meet Su San at the party last night. They ***not see*** each other since they ***graduate*** from Oxford University in 2010.

  答案:haven't seen; graduated 本題考查“since”引導的狀語從句。從句中的時態用一般過去時,主句使用現在完成時。

  7.[2016·北京西城區一模]I ***not exercise*** for six months. I'm really out of shape.

  答案:haven't exercised 根據“I'm really out of shape”說明主語缺乏鍛鍊造成的,故用現在完成時,表示對現在造成的影響。

  8.[2016·北京石景山區一模]I went to see Dr Smith yesterday, only to be told that he ***ask*** for leave.

  答案:had asked 根據“went”可知該語境為發生在過去的語境,因此“ask for leave”發生在“went”這一動作前,故用過去完成時。

  9.[2016·安徽合肥質檢一]—Have you got the sleeping bag needed for the camping this weekend?

  —Yes, I ***buy*** it almost the moment I heard the news.

  答案:bought 根據“the moment”及後面的資訊可知“buy”與“heard”發生在同一時間環境,故填一般過去時態。

  10.[2016·浙江六校聯考]—Didn't you talk any with Rice?

  —No, the plane ***take*** off when I rushed to the airport to see her off.

  答案:had taken 根據後者的回答,可知沒有與Rice談話,也就是說後者到機場時,Rice乘坐的飛機已經起飛了,故填過去完成時。

  11.[2016·四川雅安月考]Don't call me tomorrow evening, for I ***listen*** to a lecture on how to keep a good state of mind when taking an exam.

  答案:will be listening 根據“tomorrow evening”可知使用將來時態,根據“then”可知,那時正在做某事,因此填將來進行時。

  12.[2016·湖南郴州質檢二]Tom is a great talker. It's high time he ***do*** something instead of just talking.

  答案:did 考查固定句式“It's high time+從句”,從句中使用一般過去時態。

  13.[2016·北京西城區期末]This ferryboat ***use*** to transport passengers between the harbor and the island for years.

  答案:has been used 根據for years及語義理解可知使用現在完成時態,另外“this ferryboat”與“use”之間為被動關係,故填has been used。

  14.[2016·陝西西工大附中二模]Little we know that the region was abundant in natural resources about four decades ago.

  答案:did 根據“four decades ago”可知該句使用一般過去時態,另外否定詞位於句首,句子要部分倒裝,故提前助動詞did。

  15.[2016·福建三校聯考]He ***work*** around the clock since June, when the first Ebola case appeared in this agricultural country.

  答案:has been working 根據時間狀語since June可確定使用現在完成時,另由“around the clock”可知主語從未停止過工作,故填現在完成進行時。

  Part .語篇語法填空***重點考查時態和語態***

  [2016·福建黃岡月考]When he was a little boy, Christopher Cookerell once watched his mother turn the wheel of her sewing­machine with her hand.

  “Wouldn't it work quickly if a machine 1 ***turn*** the wheel for you?” he asked. “I suppose it would,” said his mother, 2 paying him any attention.

  Christopher knew she always 3 ***have*** a lot of work, and he wanted to help her. Up in his bedroom there was a toy steam­engine which his father 4 ***buy*** him as a gift. “I will make better use of it,” little Christopher said to himself. So, when his mother 5 ***not use*** her sewing­machine, he fixed the toy steam­engine onto it. When the job 6 ***finish***, he was quite pleased, thinking his mother 7 ***like*** it.

  “Very clever,” his mother said when she saw it. Then she sat down and went on 8 ***turn*** the wheel by hand. “I 9 ***work*** like this for too many years,” she explained.

  This taught Christopher Cookerell the lesson that anyone who tries to improve anything 10 ***have*** to learn:many people don't like new ideas.

  本文通過Christopher Cookerell幫助他母親改善縫紉機一事,給他上了人生的一堂課:很多人不喜歡新的想法。

  1.turned 考查謂語動詞的用法。分析句子成分可知,條件狀語從句中缺謂語動詞,從主句中的“wouldn't”判斷應該用相應的虛擬語氣。

  2.without/not 考查語義理解。句意:母親沒太在意他,說:“我認為是這樣的。”

  3.had 考查謂語動詞的用法。分析句子成分可知,賓語從句中缺謂語動詞,根據主句謂語動詞的時態可知,用一般過去時。

  4.had bought 考查謂語動詞的用法。分析句子成分可知,定語從句中缺謂語動詞,根據語境可知,buy所表示的動作發生在主句謂語動詞之前,所以用過去完成時。

  5.wasn't using 考查謂語動詞的用法。表示在母親不使用縫紉機時,他把玩具蒸汽機固定在縫紉機上,故用過去進行時態。

  6.was finished 考查謂語動詞的用法。分析句子成分可知,時間狀語從句中缺謂語動詞,由於主語“the job”和動詞finish之間為被動關係,且敘述的是過去的事情,所以用一般過去時的被動語態。

  7.would like 考查謂語動詞的用法。分析句子成分可知,賓語從句中缺謂語動詞,表示“將會喜歡”,根據句子謂語動詞的時態可知應用過去將來時。

  8.turning 考查固定搭配。“go on doing sth.”表示繼續做某事。

  9.have been working 考查謂語動詞的用法。分析句子成分可知,此處缺謂語動詞,根據句意“我這麼多年來一直都是這樣做的***指用手轉動輪子***”表示從過去某時開始到現在一直髮生的動作或狀態,用現在完成進行時。

  10.has 考查謂語動詞的用法。分析句子成分可知that引導的同位語從句中缺謂語動詞,主語是anyone,謂語動詞用第三人稱單數形式,由who tries to...及many people don't like...可知,此處應該用一般現在時。


  1.[2015·黃山質檢]—I'm afraid I have to leave now, for you see, he is waiting for me.

  —Well, if you , at least wait until the heavy rain stops.

  答案:must 考查情態動詞用法。根據語境及句意可知此處表示“一種偏執,堅持要做”。故填must。

  2.[2015·北京模擬]Although the test look like a simple one, great care is needed.

  答案:may 考查情態動詞用法。根據語境,此處表示一種肯定推測,語氣不強烈。故填may。

  3.[2015·陝西模擬]Nuclear be really dangerous at times even though it's a nice energy in general.

  答案:can 考查情態動詞用法。此處表示“有時可能……”,can用於肯定句中表推測表示此意義,故填can。

  4.[2015·北京模擬]—What do you think of the Hua­wei P7?

  —Terrific, I buy one if I hadn't bought an iPhone 6 Plus last year.

  答案:would 考查虛擬語氣。根據句意可知,後者已經買了iPhone 6 Plus last year,表示與過去事實相反的虛擬時,從句用過去完成時態,主句用情態動詞+動詞原形。

  5.[2015·北京模擬]—How was your trip to Suitzerland?

  —Perfect!How I wish you been with us!

  答案:had 考查虛擬語氣的用法。wish後的賓語從句,如表示與過去事實相反時,則用過去完成時態,故填had。

  6.[2015·渭南模擬]It is required by law that a driving test be taken before a man gets a license.

  答案:should 考查虛擬語氣的用法。表示“要求”的require後跟名詞性從句***主語從句***時,謂語動詞用“***should***+動形原形”。

  7.[2015·合肥質檢] you keep it a secret for the time being?It's just between us.

  答案:Can 考查情態動詞的用法。根據語意可知,此空是徵求對方的意見,且主語是第二人稱,故用can。

  8.[2015·浙江六校聯考]Words failed me when I heard the news of the New Year's Eve stampede in Shanghai.But for lacking a sense of safety, so many people not have been killed.

  答案:would 考查虛擬語氣的用法。but for引出的是含蓄條件,根據句意可知此處表示與過去的事實相反的事,因此用情態動詞+have done結構。

  9.[2015·南充模擬]—Is John coming by train?

  —He should,but he not.He likes driving his car.

  答案:may 考查情態動詞用法。根據語境可知,此處的推測具有不確定性,故填may。

  10.[2015·咸陽模擬]I didn't know the visiting hours were over, otherwise I have left earlier.

  答案:would 考查虛擬語氣的用法。otherwise後的虛擬情況可根據主句來確定,表示與過去事實相反,使用情態動詞+have done結構。

  11.[2015·郴州質檢]—What do you need to say?

  —No person smoke or carry a lighted cigarette in this special room.

  答案:shall 考查情態動詞用法。根據語境可知此處表示“比較正式的通知或規定”,故用shall。

  12.[2015·北京期末]My mobile phone is missing. Who have taken it?

  答案:could 考查情態動詞的用法。根據語境可知,此處表示的是情態動詞對過去情況的推測,用於疑問句中,因此用could。

  13.[2015·北京模擬]Judging from his accent, he be from Australia.

  答案:can't 考查情態動詞的用法。根據語境可知此處表示對現在情況的推測,且對推測結論有理有據,故填can't。

  14.[2015·合肥質檢]If we had virtual schools now, we stay at home to learn all the subjects.

  答案:would 考查虛擬語氣的用法。根據now可知,此處虛擬表示與現在事實相反。因此用情態動詞+動詞原形結構。

  15.[2015·安慶模擬]Can you imagine such a boy have helped the US FBI find out the world's most wanted cyber ***網路的*** criminal?

  答案:should 考查情態動詞的用法。根據句意可知,此處表示“一種驚訝”,且是對過去發生的事情感到驚訝,故填should。

  Part Ⅱ.語篇語法填空***重點考查情態動詞和虛擬語氣的用法***

  Susan: Larry, how soon shall we arrive in Toronto?

  Larry: If we don't make any more stops, we 1 be there by nightfall.

  Susan: What? By nightfall? I am starving to death. 2 we stop and find something to eat?

  Larry: Actually, we have a free dinner waiting for us at the hotel in Toronto.

  Susan: I know, but I 3 stand the hunger any more.

  Larry: You know me, Susan. I don't like to spend money. Sorry.

  Susan: Yeah, you are really cheap! If you 4 so cheap, we 5 ***fly*** to Thailand for our vacation instead of driving to Toronto.

  Larry: Thailand? Don't be ridiculous! Even if I weren't cheap, you know we 6 afford to go that far away for vacation!

  Susan: Well, you 7 afford a stop for food, right?

  Larry: If we do, we 8 waste time, gas, and money. I think we 9 just wait until we get to Toronto. Oh, hey, I remember you are fond of candy. I think I 10 have some of that candy you like in my backpack.

  Susan: Candy? Great!


  1.should 表示推測,且可能性較大,所以用情態動詞should表“應該”。

  2.Can 一般疑問句,表示“我們能不能先停下來吃一些東西?”,所以用can。

  3.can't 根據句子結構得知在主語後,謂語前,而且謂語是動詞原形,根據意思“不能”忍受,所以用can't。

  4.weren't 根據前面的are,知是現在時的虛擬且根據句意用weren't。

  5.would be flying 根據前面的are,知是現在進行時的虛擬,所以用would be flying。

  6.couldn't 根據前文weren't知是現在時的虛擬,所以用couldn't。

  7.can 根據上下文的意思“你能夠……”,所以用can。

  8.will 根據意思“如果我們這樣做,將會……”,所以用will。

  9.should 根據句子結構得知在主語後,謂語前,而且謂語是動詞原形,根據意思“我認為我們應該……”,所以用should。

  10.might 根據句子結構得知在主語後,謂語前,而且謂語是動詞原形,根據意思“我想我可能有些你喜歡的糖”表猜測,可能性不太大,所以用might。