


  1.take to 喜愛;開始

  2.cling to 附著

  3.fall to 開始

  4.respond to 回答;對…作出迴應

  5.accustom oneself to 使自己習慣於

  6.amount to等於

  7.prefer… to…更喜歡

  8.set an example to 給…樹立榜樣

  9.refer to 談到;參考;查閱

  10.agree to sth. 同意某事***比較:agree to do sth. 同意做某事***

  11.prefer… to…更喜歡

  12.take / make a trip to到…地方去

  13.join…to…把…和 …連線起來

  14.turn a blind eye to對…視而不見

  15.turn a deaf ear to 對…充耳不聞

  16.show honor to向…表示敬意

  17.put an end to***bring… to an end*** 結束

  18.set fire to 放火燒……

  19.drink ***a toast*** to 為……乾杯

  20.propose a toast to 提議……

  21.happen to… 發生了……事

  22.occur to sb. 想起;想到

  23.total up to 總計達

  24.be close to 幾乎;將近

  25.hold to 堅持;抓住

  26.help oneself to 隨便用……

  27.hold on to 抓住;固守

  28.do harm to 對……有害處

  29.do wrong to 冤枉某人

  30.date back to 追溯到

  31.when it comes to… 談到……時

  32e to 來到;達到;結果為 ***比較:come to do sth逐漸做某事***

  33.give an eye to著眼於

  34.have an eye to doing 打算

  35.the key to ……的答案

  36.describe to 向……描述

  37.treat sb. to sth. 請某人吃……

  38.trust sth. to sb.把某物委託給某人

  39.pay a visit to 參觀……

  40.access to 進入;取得的方法

  41.be a stranger to 不習慣;對……陌生

  42.on one’s way to 在去某處的路上;在達成某事的過程中

  43.be kind to 對……和善

  44.be important to 對……重要

  45.be senior to 年齡長於……

  46.be equal to 和……相等

  47.be particular to ……所特有的***比較:be particular about 對……過於講究;挑剔***

  48.be subject to 服從;隸屬;易遭\受\患

  49.be familiar to 為 ……熟悉

  50.be similar to 和……相似

  51.be open to 對……開放

  52.be loyal to 對……忠誠

  53.be helpful to對……有益處

  54.be useful to對……有用

  55.be good to sb對某人好***比較:be good for 對……有益處***

  56.be bad to 對……不好

  57.be bad for***比較:對……有害處***

  58.be new to 對……不習慣;對……陌生


  1*** 表強調:

  still,indeed,of course,after all,above all,surely,certainly,undoubtedly,in any case,anyway,in fact,especially,obviously,clearly

  2*** 表比較

  like,unlike,similarly,in the same way,equally,similar to

  3*** 表對比

  By contrast,on the contrary,while.,whereas,on the other hand,unlike,instead,but,different from,however,otherwise,yet,the former…the latter,once…now,some…other,years ago…today

  4*** 表列舉

  For one thing…and for another,like

  5*** 表舉例

  For example,for instance,such as,take…for example,except for

  6*** 表時間

  Later,next,then,finally,at last,eventually,meanwhile,from now on,from then on,at the same time,for the time being,in the end,immediately,in the meantime,in the meanwhile,recently,soon,now and then,during,nowadays,since,lately,afterwards,temporarily,earlier,now,after a while,when,while,before,after,until,as soon as,then,suddenly,in a few days,in recent years,early this morning/year/century,all of sudden,the moment

  7*** 表順序

  First,second,third,firstly,secondly,thirdly,to begin with,first of all,in the first place,last,finally,eventually,in the end,at last,next,above all,first and most important,meanwhile

  8*** 表解釋

  In other words,in fact,as a matter of fact,that is,that is to say,namely,

  9*** 表遞進

  What is more,in addition,and,also besides,too,moreover,furthermore,as well as,as well,again,additionally,what is worse?

  10*** 表讓步

  Although,though,even though,after all,in spite of,even if,

  11*** 錶轉折

  However,rather then,instead of,but,yet,on the other hand,unfortunately,despite

  12*** 表原因

  For this reason,for,now that,thanks to,as since,owing to,because,because of,due to,

  13*** 表結果

  So,so/such…that,therefore,thus,as a result,accordingly

  14*** 表總結

  On the whole,in conclusion,in a word,to sum up,in brief,in summary,to conclude,to summarize,in short,in general,generally speaking,above all,after all

  15*** 其他

  Mostly,occasionally,naturally,mainly,exactly,commonly,for this purpose,for most of us,in many cases,in this case.


  ① Don‘t be silly.***別胡鬧了。***

  ② How strong are your glasses?***你近視多少度?***

  ③ Just because.***沒有別的原因。***

  ④ It isn’t the way I hoped it would be.***這不是我所盼望的。***

  ⑤ You will never guess.***你永遠猜不到。***

  ⑥ No one could do anything about it.***眾人對此束手無措。***

  ⑦ I saw something deeply disturbing.***深感事情不妙。***

  ⑧ Money is a good servant but a bad master.***要做金錢的主人,莫做金錢的奴隸。***

  ⑨ I am not available.***我正忙著***

  ⑩ Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.***腦中的知識比手中的金錢更重要***

  ⑪ Never say die,it is a piece of cake.別洩氣,那只是小菜一碟。

  ⑫ Don’t worry.you’ll get use to it soon.別擔心,很快你就會習慣的。

  ⑬ I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。

  ⑭ You win some,you lose some.勝敗乃兵家常事。

  ⑮ Don’t bury your head in the sand.不要逃避現實。

  ⑯ I didn’t expect you to such a good job.我沒想到你幹得這麼好。

  ⑰ You are coming alone well.你做得挺順利。

  ⑱ She is well-build.她的身材真棒。

  ⑲ You look neat and fresh.你看起來很清純。

  ⑳ You have a beautiful personality.你的氣質很好。

  21 You flatter me immensely.你過獎啦。

  22 You should beslow to judge others.你不應該隨意評論別人。

  23 I hope you will excuseme if I make any mistake.如有任何錯誤,請你原諒

  24 It was most careless of me.我太粗心了。

  25 It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。