The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest's plate.
The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.
客人微笑著把乳酪放進嘴裡說:“孩子,你的眼睛就是比你媽媽的好。你在哪裡找到的乳酪?” “在捕鼠夾上,先生。”那小男孩說。
Like which bird best
In class, the teacher showed pictures of various birds. Then he asked, "What kinds of bird do you like best, Jack?"
Jack answered, "Fried chicken, sir."
Teacher: Correct the sentence, "A bull and a cow is grazing in the field".
Student: A cow and a bull is grazing in the field.
Teacher: How?
Student: Ladies first.
Undying love
Girl: Do you love me?
Boy: Yes, dear.
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: No, mine is undying love.
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