


  The plight of the unpaid intern is improving. Not because businesses are paying more forsummer helpers, but because colleges are stepping in to pay when companies can't, or won't, compensate student hires.


  Schools have long granted stipends for stints in nonprofits and the arts, where unpaid labor iscommon, but now they are paying the way for students to work at profit-making enterprises, including a New York money-management firm, a Washington, D.C., lobbying firm and even aGeneral Motors Co. plant.

  學校很早就對非營利性行業實習和藝術類實習進行補貼;在這些行業,免費勞動力屢見不鮮。然而現在,學校補貼學生的範圍開始覆蓋那些盈利性企業,包括紐約一間財富管理公司,華盛頓特區的政治遊說公司,甚至一家通用汽車公司***General Motors Co.***的工廠。

  Colleges' job-placement rates have come under intense scrutiny as cost-conscious families, stung by rapidly rising tuition, want proof that universities can deliver on both academic andcareer fronts.


  While career-services officers say they aren't thrilled to foot the bill, they need students to gainthe skills and experience that will eventually get them hired.


  The practice of 'hiring' unpaid interns has come under renewed fire lately, with a federal judge'sruling last week that a movie studio's unpaid intern program violated labor laws.


  University of Richmond has supported unpaid research and nonprofit work for years, but createdmore than 100 new fellowships this year for students with unpaid internships at for-profitenterprises. In all, the school awarded 300 fellowships, averaging $3,700 apiece. Employersranged from a New York City hospital to Christie's auction house.

  里士滿大學***University of Richmond***多年來一直補貼無薪研究和非營利性實習,而今年該校特地為在盈利性企業工作的無薪實習生增設了100個實習獎金名額。學校總共頒發了300筆實習獎金,平均每筆3700美元***約合人民幣22,866元***。實習生僱主包括紐約市醫院***New York City hospital***和佳士得拍賣行***Christie'sauction house***。

  Funding for the awards came from alumni and other donations, as the development officespread word that students needed additional support for the internships.


  Defiance College in Defiance, Ohio, is enticing local employers to hire its students by coveringhalf of minimum-wage earnings for up to 10 hours a week, or about $38.50 a week under Ohiorates.

  位於俄亥俄州迪法恩斯市***Defiance, Ohio***的迪法恩斯學院***Defiance College***通過提供補貼來吸引當地企業僱傭其學生。該補貼計劃將支付最低工資的一半,每週最長可達10小時,或按照俄亥俄州的工資水平換算約為38.5***約合人民幣238元***美元一週。

  It listed 74 internship opportunities in the latest academic year, with employers including aveterinary clinic, a Biggby Coffee franchise and PSMI Corp., a firm that handles some staffingfor General Motors.

  本學年迪法恩斯學院列出的74個實習機會中,僱主有獸醫診所,Biggby咖啡連鎖***Biggby Coffee franchise***和為通用汽車公司管理員工的企業PSMI公司***PSMI Corp.***。

  The incentive is small, and some participating firms say they would hire the studentsregardless of the funds, but it does put Defiance students on employers' radars.


  '$40 is $40,' says Sue Strausbaugh, who runs the local Biggby.

  “40塊就是40塊,” 運營著當地一間Biggby咖啡的蘇•斯特拉斯鮑夫***Sue Strausbaugh***說。

  Erin Rhodes, a Defiance marketing major, is spending her summer running quality-controlreports on engine blocks produced at the local GM plant, earning $10 an hour.

  迪法恩斯學院的一名市場營銷專業的學生艾琳•羅德***Erin Rhodes***,為當地通用汽車工廠生產的發動機氣缸做質檢報告工作,她的時薪為10美元***約合人民幣62元***。

  Ms. Rhodes, who just completed her second year at Defiance, says the data-heavy projectdoesn't exactly fit with her major and career goals, but she is glad to have the line on her r谷sum谷.


  According to Don Schooley, a PSMI program manager, GM picks the talent, but PSMI handlespayroll.

  據PSMI公司的專案經理唐•斯庫利***Don Schooley***說,通用汽車公司會負責人員篩選,而PSMI公司則負責支付工資。

  A GM spokesman says the company was aware some of the workers' wages were being paid byDefiance College.


  Hamilton College received 187 stipend applications this year, up from 116 last year, for unpaidpositions in government, nonprofit and for-profit enterprises.

  漢密爾頓學院***Hamilton College***今年共收到了187份實習補貼申請,高於去年的116份,這些申請既有在政府部門的無薪實習,也包括在非盈利性和盈利性企業中的實習。

  Students must secure internships on their own岸with help from the career services office, ifdesired岸and then apply for the aid. This year, the 66 awards averaged just under $2,400 apiece.


  Ujjwal Pradhan, a rising Hamilton junior majoring in economics and mathematics, received a $4,800 stipend after securing an unpaid position at New York-based money manager PriorityCapital Management LLC.

  烏吉瓦•普拉丹***Ujjwal Pradhan***是一位在漢密爾頓學院學習經濟學和數學的大三學生,在完成了位於紐約一家資產管理公司的無薪實習後,獲得了學院給予的4,800美元的津貼***約合人民幣29,664元***。

  Mr. Pradhan spends his days analyzing corporate bonds and compiling research reports onpotential investments. He says an analyst at the firm is serving as a mentor for the summer.


  The 20-year-old Nepal native says he couldn't afford to work for free, but struggled to find apaying finance internship, since most Wall Street internship programs aimed at undergraduatestarget rising seniors.


  Hamilton's career center introduced Mr. Pradhan to Jim Ely, the firm's chief executive andfounder, and offered the stipend to cover rent, food and transportation.

  漢密爾頓學院的就業指導中心不僅將普拉丹推薦給了那家公司的營運長和創始人吉姆•埃利***Jim Ely***,還為他提供了津貼以補助租金、食品和交通費用。

  'It is primarily an educational program,' says Mr. Ely, noting that interns don't make investmentdecisions or deal directly with clients.


  As long as companies aren't forced to pay the trainees, critics say, they probably won't.


  It is 'laudable' that schools want to help all students, not just affluent ones, get ahead in thejob market, says Ross Perlin, author of Intern Nation. But funding unpaid jobs at for-profitemployers, he says, 'may actually be supporting an illegal internship, at an employer who canvery much afford to pay.'

  《實習國度》***Intern Nation***一書的作者羅斯•佩林***Ross Perlin***認為,學校想要幫助所有學生***不僅僅是富裕學生***進入就業市場的想法值得提倡。但是對盈利性企業的無薪工作提供補助,佩林認為“這實際上是在支援非法實習,因為這些僱主明明就能夠自己支付。”

  The financial downturn increased the 'sleaze factor' among employers, Philip Gardner, directorof Michigan State University's Collegiate Employment Research Institute, wrote in a recentreport on unpaid internships. Employers 'offer work they need done, under the guise ofinternships, but without pay.'

  金融危機增加了僱主們的“拮据理由”。密歇根州立大學***Michigan State University***的大學生就業研究所***Collegiate Employment Research Institute***主任菲利普•加德納***Philip Gardner***在最近一篇關於無薪實習的文章中提到,“僱主們不支付酬勞,並在實習的掩飾下把這些需要完成的工作交給實習生”。

  Federal laws mandate that unpaid internships meet certain criteria, including that theexperience benefit the intern and the employer derives no 'immediate advantage' from theintern's work.


  On campus and off, the tide of opinion may be turning against unpaid work.


  In addition to last week's ruling that Fox Searchlight Pictures violated labor laws by not payingtwo production interns working on the 2010 film 'Black Swan,' a former intern on Monday filedsuit against Warner Music Group and Atlantic Records with similar allegations regarding his 2007-2008 unpaid internship, the Associated Press reported.

  福克斯探照燈工作室***Fox Searchlight Pictures***由於在2010年出品的電影《黑天鵝》***Black Swan***中沒有支付兩名製片實習生工資,上個星期被法院裁定違反了勞動法。除此之外,據美聯社報道,一名前實習生於本週一以類似的緣由,對華納音樂***Warner Music Group***以及大西洋唱片公司***Atlantic Records***提起了訴訟,原因是他在2007-2008年期間的實習並未獲得薪酬。

  A Fox spokeswoman said the company is 'disappointed' with the ruling and is seeking to have itreversed. Fox is owned by News Corp., which also owns The Wall Street Journal.

  福克斯***Fox***的一位新聞發言人稱,公司對這個裁決感到“失望”並正努力上訴。福克斯的母公司是擁有《華爾街日報》***The Wall Street Journal***的新聞集團***News Corp.***。

  Warner declined to comment on pending litigation.


  Earlier this year, New York University students circulated a petition asking the career servicesoffice to stop posting ads for unpaid internships, calling such jobs 'illegal' and 'exploitative.'

  今年早些時候,紐約大學***New York University***學生髮起了一場請願,呼籲就業指導中心停止釋出無薪實習的招聘廣告,聲稱這些實習是“非法的”且“剝削性的”工作。

  So far, however, schools seem unwilling to halt the practice. A recent survey from MichiganState University's Collegiate Employment Research Institute found that nearly 100% of schoolswelcome requests for unpaid labor from government and nonprofit agencies, and upward of 84% allow for-profit companies to do so.
