
  Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。下面是小編為大家整理了一些三年級英語手抄報的內容,希望大家喜歡。



  1. Did he take you to a candlelight dinner?


  當男生對一個女生有意思想要追求她的時候,多半會留下一些蛛絲馬跡,也就是上例中女主角想要收集的 evidence 啦!其中最有力的證據之一就是他會帶你上高階餐廳,這種餐廳通常會在桌上擺一個小蠟燭作為照明,讓氣氛 ***atmosphere*** 看起來比較好,這就是所謂的 candlelight dinner。當然例句裡的說法是泛指高階餐廳,不一定非得要有 candlelight 才行。但是如果你直截了當地說"Did he take you to a very expensive restaurant?"聽起來是不是有點俗氣?不好不好,我們還是用 "Did he take you to a candlelight dinner?"聽來會比較舒服一點。

  常跟 candlelight dinner 一起被提及的還有 moonlight walk 這個很浪漫的用法。顧名思義,moonlight walk 就是指兩人在月光下散步,照理說男生在帶女生去吃過 candlelight dinner 之後,就該說"Let's go for a moonlight walk!"這樣男士們才算盡到你應盡的義務。

  2. I was just asking.


  記得有個女生問另一個女生的戀愛史,她最終的目的是想問:How many guys have you slept with? 但這樣太直截了當,通常不會得到答案,而且還可能會被毆打一頓。所以她故意用了 beat around the bush ***旁敲側擊*** 的問話方式,先問:"How many boyfriends have you had so far?","Did you get along well?","How intimate are you with your boyfriend?"。這樣子慢慢推進,到最後才冷不防切入重點:Did you hum hum hum? 當問到這裡時,當事人早已放鬆警惕,她也順利得到她想知道的答案。別人問她"你到底在幹什麼",她還一臉無辜的表情說:I'm just asking. 警惕呀,要是有人這樣問你可要小心了,神不知鬼不覺的,你的隱私就被八卦了去。



  smell a rat 覺得可疑

  I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful!

  the rat race 激烈的競爭

  Living in a big city is one big rat race.

  play cat and mouse with sb. 欲擒故縱,***像貓抓耗子似地***欺負***折磨、虐待***某人

  The policeman decided to play cat and mouse when he saw the woman steal the dress in the store.


  a bull in a china shop 經常闖禍的人,笨手笨腳的人

  He‘s like a bull in a china shop, always knocking things over.

  take the bull by the horns 不畏艱險

  You can‘t just sit back in a situation like this. You should take the bull by the horns.
