



  an eye for an eye 以牙還牙

  have a bedroom eyes 有一雙性感的眼睛

  an eye for something 對某物有鑑賞力

  eye someone 細看某人,打量某人

  have eyes bigger than one’s stomach? 眼饞肚飽

  four-eye 四眼

  give someone a black eye 把某人打得鼻青眼腫

  make goo-goo eyes at someone 對某人拋媚眼

  green-eyed monster 嫉妒心

  in a pig’s eye 廢話,胡說

  keep an eye on someone 密切注視某人,照看某人

  keep one’s eyes peeled留心,警惕

  see eye-to-eye 看法一致

  be all ears 聚精會神地聽,洗耳恭聽

  bend someone’s ear 與某人喋喋不休

  blow it out one’s ear 胡說八道

  chew someone’s ear off 對某人喋喋不休

  have an ear for music 有音樂方面的天賦

  fall on deaf ears 和沒有心思聽的人說話,沒被理睬

  good ear 辨別聲音

  keep one’s ear to the ground 注意聽

  perk up one’s ear 引起注意,豎起耳朵

  play by ear 聽過音樂後,不看樂譜而憑記憶演奏

  put a bug in someone’s ear 事先給某人暗示,警告某人

  talk someone’s ear off 因喋喋不休而惹怒某人

  get off to a good start"”有了好的開始,開門紅” Get the boot 委婉表達解僱某人If you're late again, you're getting the boot.”get booted 在chatrooms 還有被踢出去的意思。***

  get one's teeth into something:認真對待,全神貫注於,死死咬住



  Don’t get high hat“別擺架子”

  Get lost!用在祈使句裡,相當於“***”或“離我遠點兒”,這一句話口氣很重,只有十分生氣時才這樣說。類似的說法還有Get stuffed!***此句也用於生氣的拒絕某人時***。

  Don’t get me wrong:“別誤會我/不要冤枉我”

  Get an eyeful。“看個夠”Let’s get real“別廢話了,咱們說點兒正經的吧”***也可以說Let’s get a life***。


  1. go up in smoke成為泡影

  2. hit the road上路

  3. shape up表現良好,乖

  4. scare the shit out of someone嚇死某人了

  5. pull strings運用關係 ***源於“拉木偶的線”***


  1. come again 再說一遍

  2. come clean 全盤托出,招供

  3. spring for 請客

  4. spill the beans 洩漏祕密

  5. stick in the mud 保守的人


  1. john廁所

  2. keep in line管束

  3. jump the gun草率行事

  4. jump to conclusion妄下結論

  5. lemon次