<1>a chip off the old block 某人在性格上是父母的翻版。
1. My mother and I are very alike, I am a chip off the old block.
<2>a close one
與"a close call"相似,意思是很懸,遷千鈞一髮,很緊急的情況。差點遇到危險,但好在逃過了這一難。
1. I had a close call on my way to work, A car hit my bike but I didn’t fall.
2. I passed my exam by one point. It was a close one.
<3>a dime a dozen 十分常見,不太值錢。
1. Watermelons in Beijing in the summer are a dime a dozen.
北京的夏天,西瓜多得根本不值錢了。 2. Bad managers are a dime a dozen but a good one is difficult to find.
<4>a piece of cake 小意思,易如反掌。
1. Our homework last night was a piece of cake. 我們昨天晚上的家庭作業很容易。
2. Using a digital camera is a piece of cake. 用數碼相機是很容易的事。
<5>a way out of this mess 一個可以擺脫混亂局面的辦法。
1. The traffic is terrible today!We need to find a way out of this mess!
<6>a whole new ballgame
狀況完全不同於以往,“ballgame” 意思是情況,局面。 1. High school was fun but university is a whole new ballgame.
高中生活很輕鬆,但是大學就完全不一樣了。 2. I have a lot of work experience in America, but working in China is a whole new ballgame. 我在美國的工作經驗很豐富,但是我在中國就完全不一樣了。
<7>act like a clown
行為愚蠢。To act silly, stupid or crazy. 1. When the boys drink too much beer, they act like clowns.
<8>any minute
1. She should be here at any minute. 她應該馬上就到了
<9>around the block
1. Let’s ask Justin how to deal with this situation. He’s been around the block a few times.
2. I’ve been around the block a few times. I know what I’m doing.
<10>as nature intended 出自人類本能的要求。 1. Every weekend I drink beer as nature intended. 每個週末我都要喝啤酒,因為這是自然需要。 2. I must go do as nature intended. 我必須去方便一下***上廁所***。
<11>ask off 請假。
1. I want to ask off for my birthday this year. 今年我的生日我想請假。
2. A: Are you going to the soccer game this afternoon?
B: No, I asked off, but my boss said he needs me in the office.
<1>bust my ass
第一個含義是指:讓某人的日子不好過,讓某人難堪。第二個含義是指“拼命努力地工作”。 1. I wish the directors just would stop,you know,busting my ass because I already have lots of problems.
我真的希望導演別再為難我,我的麻煩已經夠多了。 2. Every day I work,I bust my ass so my family can live well.
<2>burst someone's bubble 打破某人的幻想。
1. A:I dream of going to study at Harvard University.
B:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but your grades are too low. You’ll never get accepted to Harvard.
2. My little sister thinks that Santa Claus is real. Don’t burst her bubble by telling her that he isn’t.
1. Even though he was a good guy,he had a bum reputation.
雖然他真的是一個好人,但他的名聲不太好。 2. I wish I could run the marathon,but I have a bum knee.
1. He is such a bully.He pushes the other kids around at school.
這個小子就愛欺負人,他在學校總是擺佈別人. 2. I’m not gonna tell you my secret,so stop bullying me.
<5>bull's eye
1. He scored a bull’s eye with his last assignment.
1. There seems to be a bug in the new accounting system.看來新的會計制度存在一些小問題。 2. There were a few bugs in the new computer program,but we’ve worked them out and it’s now ready to be sold.
<7>broken hearted
1. After her boyfriend left,she was broken hearted.她男朋友離她而去之後,她難過極了。 2. I do love you. I would be broken hearted if anything bad were to happen to you.
<8>bring sb/sth down
削弱某人/某事的優勢,抑制住某人/某事。 1. That newspaper is starting to have too much influence. We need to try to bring it down. 那份報紙太有影響力了,我們需要遏制一下它影響力。
2. How are we gonna bring down that team?They’re so good.they’ve won the championship 3 years in a row!
<1>cute act
小計量,小計謀。A behavior that is very charming and sweet but it’s intended to deceive or manipulate.
1. I’ve heard all these excuses before. I’m not falling for your cute act this time. I know you were out last night till 4:00am.
這些藉口我已經聽得太多了,這次你的小伎倆騙不了我了.我知道你昨晚出去到凌晨四點才回來. 2. Listen, if drop the cute act and ask me honestly, I’ll tell you the truth.
<2>cut someone some slack 放某人一馬,放過某人一次。
1. The professor cut me some slack and didn’t reduce my score for being late. 教授放了我一馬,沒有因為我遲到而扣我的分。 2. Please cut me some slack in the rope so I can untie the boat. 請鬆開繩子,我好把船划走。
<3>cross sb
1. The gangster Al Capone used to get rid of anyone that crossed him.
黑社會頭目Al Capone曾經殺掉了所有惹怒他的人。
2. At our company if you cross him he’ll fire you right away.
古怪而嚇人的,strange or fearful。
1. That girl is really creepy. She’s always staring at me funny.
2. I am afraid to go into that store. That guy who works there is really creepy.
1. He shouldn't drive his car so fast,he’s crazy. He’s gonna got into an accident some day. 他不該開車開得這麼快,他一定是瘋了。這樣的話,他總有一天會出事的。
2. Are you crazy?There’s no way I’m going out with her. She’s ugly and she smells.
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