They go to one of the world's most prestigious universities and pride themselves on their superior intellect but almost half of Cambridge students admit they are not immune from the temptation to cheat and submit essays they find on Google, a survey suggests.
The results of a***n*** 36online poll of more than 1,000 students 37by the student newspaper Varsity found that 49 per cent of undergraduates pass other people's work off as their own at some point during their university 38. Only 5 per cent said they had 39been caught plagiarizing *** 剽竊***.Academics in universities across the country have been 40 by their peers of turning a blind eye to the practice to 41their institutions to improve their national and international ranking.
One student told Varsity, "Sometimes, when I am really fed up, I Google the essay 42, copy and throw everything on to a blank word 43and jiggle *** 微調*** the order a bit. They usually end up being the best essays."
Law students were most prone to *** 傾向於… *** plagiarism with 62 per cent of those questioned 44to breaking university rules.
A university spokesman told Varsity that it regarded plagiarism as a "serious and potentially disciplinary offence which can lead to failure to obtain, or withdrawal of a 45." He said the university was planning to introduce detection software to crack down on the problem.
36.【解析】0。從語法結構上判斷,此處應填一個形容詞作定語,修飾online poll。結合選項可知:只有scholarship符合句意,意為“針對l000多名學生的線上匿名調查”,故選O。
37.【解析】H。從語法結構上判斷,此處應該是過去分詞短語作定語,修飾online poll,從詞意和句意上排除accused,故選H。
38.【解析】 C。此處需要一個名詞作介詞賓語。調查顯示,49%的本科生在整個大學期間有不同程度的剽竊行為,故選C。
39.【解析】 E。從語法結構上判斷,此處需要一個副詞作狀語修飾動詞catch,此部分意為“僅有百分之五的學生說他們的剽竊行為被真正揭發”,故選E。
40.【解析】 L。此處需要一個過去分詞。此句意為“全國各地多所大學的教員被同行指責為確保本大學在全國和世界範圍內排名的攀升而對作弊行為置若罔聞”,結合第2小題,進一步確認此處應該填accused,故選L。
42.【解析】 D。此處需要一個名詞作賓語。與essay相關的名詞,只有title,此處意為“把論文的題目輸入到Google搜尋引擎裡面搜尋相關的文章”。故選D。
43.【解析】J。此處需要一個名詞作介詞賓語。此處的“a blank word document”意為“一個空白word文件”,故選J。
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