When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr.Gibbs.He didn’t look like any doctor I’d 31 known.When Dr.Gibbs wasn’t 32 lives, he was planting trees.
The good doctor had some 33 theories on planting trees. He believed in “No pains, no gains”.He never 34 his new trees, which was 35 many people.Once I asked why.He __36 that watering plants spoiled them, and that if you water them, each following tree generation will 37 weaker and weaker.So you have to make things 38 for them.He talked about how watering trees 39 shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in 40 of water. I came to understand that he meant deep roots were to be___41 .I planted a couple of trees a few years back and I took good care of them.Two years of __42__ has resulted in trees that expect to be waited on hand and foot.Whenever a cold wind blows, they 43 and tremble their branches. Funny things about those trees of Dr.Gibbs’.The lack of water seemed to 44 them in ways comfort and ease never could.
I used to 45 for my sons that their lives will be easy. But 46 I’ve been thinking that it’s time to 47 my prayer.I know my children are going to meet _48 , and I’m praying they will be strong. The prayer for comfort is seldom met.What we need to do is to pray for deep roots, __49_ when the winds blow, we won’t be 50 away.
31. A. even B. ever C. never D. hardly
32. A. valuing B. making C. enjoying D. saving
33. A. exciting B. dull C. interesting D. terrible
34. A. watered B. raised C. loved D. sheltered
35. A. against B. beyond C. within D. from
36. A. wondered B. answered C. doubted D. guessed
37. A. grow B. change C. appear D. show
38. A. harmful B. favorable C. tough D. wonderful
39. A. made for B. head for C. allow for D. care for
40. A. charge B. favor C. honor D. search
41. A. treasured B. challenged C. respected D. liked
42. A. education B. information C. preparation D. devotion
43. A. dance B. shake C. spread D. lift
44. A. harm B. raise C. benefit D. hurt
45. A. pray B. apply C. stand D. call
46. A. perfectly B. formally C. obviously D. lately
47. A. attend B. say C. change D. keep
48. A. hardships B. worries C. bosses D. jobs
49. A. or B. so C. and D. but
50. A. given B. sent C. broken D. swept
31.B 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.B
36.B 37.A 38.C 39.A 40.C
41.A 42.D 43.B 44.C 45.A
46.D 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.D
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