


  *** *** 1. 當別人送你禮物時,你應先說:

  A. Thank you B. you’re welcome C. What’s it?

  *** *** 2. 當你想問別人問題時,你應說:

  A. Hi B. Sorry

  C. Excuse me

  *** *** 3. 當你看見別人不開心是,可以關切地問:

  A. What’s the matter?

  B.Who are you?

  C.What do you like?

  *** *** 4. 當你遲到了,站在門口時,應說:

  A. Open the door, please. B. May I come in ? C. I’m late.

  *** *** 5. 當別人因不能幫你而表示歉意時,你應說:

  A. I’m sorry, too. B. Oh, how bad! C. Thank you all the same.

  *** *** 6. 當別人對你說Happy New Year時,你應說:

  A.The same to you. B. You’re welcome.

  C. Fine, thank you.

  *** *** 7. 在商店裡,服務員問你買什麼時會說:

  A. What do you buy? B. Can I help you? C. Have you got a pen?

  *** *** 8. 當你把玲玲介紹給朋友時應說:

  A. This is Lingling. B. This is my friend. C. She’s Lingling.

  *** *** 9. 當有人建議去野餐時,如果你樂意應說:

  A. That’s a good idea. B. Great C. Both A and B

  *** *** 10. 當你在公共場合看到______ 時,你不能停車:


  *** ***11.當別人誇獎你英語說的好時,你應該說___________

  A. Thank you. B. It is not good. C. Yes.

  *** *** 12. 當你想知道橡皮在哪兒時,問:_____________

  A. Where is the pen?

  B. Where is it from?

  C. Where is the eraser?

  *** *** 13. 當你想知道新電視機的顏色時,問:_______

  A. Where is the new TV?

  B. What colour is the new TV?

  C. What is a TV?

  *** ***14. 當你想知道別人是否有鋼琴時,問:_________

  A. Have you got a dictionary? B. Have you got a piano?

  *** ***15.當你把媽媽介紹給你的老師時,你應該說:_________

  A.Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Gao.

  B. Hello, she’s Miss Gao.

  C. Miss Gao, this is my mother.

  *** ***16.當你的爸爸過生日時,你應該說:___________

  A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. Happy birthday to you!

  *** ***17.當你想知道這些東西是誰的時,問:___________

  A.Whose are these? B. Whose are those? C. Who are they?

  *** ***18. 你要詢問物品的價格,應該說 .

  A. When did you go?

  B. How much is it?

  C. Will you be a teaccher?

  *** ***19.上課鈴響了,教師走進教室,班長應該說:______

  A. Please come in.

  B.Good morning. C.Stand up.

  *** *** 20.你向別人介紹你的朋友大明,可以說: .

  A. This is my friend, Daming

  B.This is my friend. C. It’s he.