


  聽 力 部 分20分


   6. A. Yes, there is. B. It’s a hotel. C. It’s very big.

   7. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she has. C. Brothers.

   8. A. Her science teacher. B. English. C. Bananas.

   9. A. In a bank. B. I like her shop. C. Let’s go to her school.

   10. A. I’m from China. B. I’m going to the movie. C. Let’s go at 7:00.


   11. Where is the hotel?

  A. In front of the post office. B. Behind the police station.

  C. Between the post office and the police station.

   12. What time does the boy have breakfast?

  A. At 5:00. B. At 6:00. C. At 7:00.

   13. What does his mother do?

  A. She is a clerk. B. She is a policewoman . C. She is a doctor.

   14. What’s Jenny doing?

  A. She is playing tennis. B. She is doing homework. C. She is watching TV.

   15. How many animals do they see in the zoo?

  A. 3 B. 5 C. 7


   16. Lucy is from _______.

  A. Canada B. the United States C. France

   17. Lucy doesn’t live in _______.

  A. Toronto B. New York C. Canada

   18. She doesn’t speak ________.

  A. Japanese B. English C. Chinese

   19. Rick plays _________.

  A. the guitar B. basketball C. volleyball

   20. Rick is Lucy’s _________.

  A. student B. pen pal C. cousin

  筆 試 部 分80分


   21. A. pal B. Japan C. taxi D. lazy

   22. A. if B. skill C. tiger D. bit

   23. A. hard B. nurse C. sir D. world

   24. A. post B. office C. dolphin D. shop

   25. A. sunny B. ugly C. cute D. fun


   26. — _______ this your dictionary?

  — Yes.

  A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do

   27. This is my sister, _______ name is Lily.

  A. my B. her C. our D. his

   28. Grandpa, I need my school ID card, please it for me to school.

  A. help B. call C. bring D. get

   29. This is my new pen pal. She is ________ Australia.

  A. in B. of C. from D. about

   30. I think China is a very interesting ________. I love it.

  A. country B. city C. club D. culture

   31. Bridge Street is a very ______ street. There aren’t many cars running there.

  A. busy B. quiet C. hungry D. smart

   32. Take a taxi there. You ______ a bank on your right and then go down Long Street.

  A. walk B. run C. pass D. have

   33. — ______ do you want to see the lions?

  — Because they’re cute.

  A. When B. What C. Where D. Why

   34. She is from China. She’s shy. She is an ________.

  A. lion B. elephant C. koala D. panda

   35. Jack is a _______. He works with people and money.

  A. policeman B. nurse C. bank clerk D. reporter

   36. — What are you doing?

  — I’m ________ in the mall.

  A. doing homework B. shopping

  C. swimming D. playing basketball

   37. — How is the weather in Wuhan?

  — It’s ________. People are wearing warm clothes and scarfs.

  A. cold B. hot C. humid D. sunny

   38. — Can you swim?

  — Yes, I can. But I _______ swim last year.

  A. can’t B. couldn’t C. can D. could

   39. — Where is Wu Dong now?

  — Oh, he ________ on the phone in his room.

  A. talks B. talked C. is talking D. was talking

   40. — Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

  — ________, but I have a lot of homework to do.

  A. I’d love to B. Yes. Let’s go

  C. No, I won’t D. It doesn’t metter

  得 分 評卷人

  七、完形填空 10分

  Bill is an Australian 41 . He’s twelve. He lives 42 his family in China. There are 43 people in his family. His father David Clinton, his mother Catherine and his little sister Abbey. He has a yellow dog. 44 name is Barbi. Look! Abbey is 45 with Barbi. His father is mending修理 his car. His mother is cleaning the house. What is Bill doing? Ah, he is doing 46 homework in Chinese. He can’t 47 Chinese well, but he loves Chinese very much. Bill’s 48 works in a middle school as an 49 teacher. His mother works at a TV station. Bill and his 50 go to the same school.

   41. A. teacher B. boy C. dog D. girl

   42. A. in B. with C. on D. at

   43. A. three B. four C. five D. two

   44. A. It’s B. His C. Its D. Her

   45. A. living B. talking C. playing D. eating

   46. A. her B. its C. his D. my

   47. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk

   48. A. mother B. father C. sister D. dog

   49. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. Australian

   50. A. boy B. girl C. brother D. sister

  得 分 評卷人



  Mark is a waiter. He doesn’t like his job. He has to work in the evenings. He sometimes has to work on weekends. He is always busy. Sometimes he has no time to eat dinner. His job is hard, and it isn’t fun. Mark likes to work, and he likes to meet people. But he doesn’t want to work in a restaurant. He wants to work in a bank. He wants to be a bank clerk.

  Lisa is a nurse. She wears a white uniform. She works in a hospital. She helps doctors. She sometimes works at night. Usually she works in the day, and she gets up at six o’clock every morning. Lisa’s job is difficult and busy, but she doesn’t want to do anything else. She loves it.


   51. Mark likes to work in a restaurant.

   52. Mark wants to be a bank clerk.

   53. Mark doesn’t need to work on weekends.

   54. Lisa sometimes works late.

   55. Lisa wants a different kind of job.


  Look at the map. You are standing in the footprints腳印, someone comes to you and asks the way. Can you answer his questions?


   56. Which street or road am I standing on now?

  A. New Street. B. Market Street. C. East Road. D. No answers.

   57. How do I get to the library?

  A. Go along North Road and then turn left into West Road. Then you can see the library on your right.

  B. Go along North Road and take the second turning on the left, and then turn right. Now you can see the library on the left.

  C. Go along Market Street and then turn left into Ferry Street. And now can see the library.

  D. Go along North Road and take the third turning on the left, and then turn right into River Street. Now you can see the library on your right.

   58. Which place is the nearest if I walk there?

  A. The supermarket. B. The park.

  C. The police station. D. The swimming pool.

   59. Which is the shortest way for me to get to the Ferry Street?

  A. Market Street —— Ferry Street.

  B. East Road —— Ferry Street.

  C. Market Street —— Little Street —— North Road —— Ferry Street .

  D. East Road —— High Street —— Market Street —— Ferry Street.

   60. Which road should I take to go to the swimming pool?

  A. Old Street. B. East Road.

  C. Market Street. D. North Road.


  M: Hi, Julie?

  W: David, is that you? 61

  M: I’m in Tokyo on a business trip.

  W: Tokyo. Wow, that’s exciting. 62

  M: Oh, pretty good. I’m very busy. I’m going to a lot of meetings.

  W: So, 63

  M: It’s cold. It’s snowing right now. So 64

  W: Oh, sunny and warm, as usual.

  M: Sounds good to me. 65

  W: I’m just getting up.You know, it’s 7:30 in the morning here.

  M: Uh, oh. Sorry. I didn’t think about the time…

  61. ________ 62. ________ 63. ________ 64. ________ 65. ________


  66. 我有時白天工作,有時晚上工作。

  Sometimes I work ______ the day and sometimes ______ night.

  67. 謝謝你寄來的書信和照片。

  ______ ______ your letter and photos.

  68. 我很驚訝他們竟然能在這麼高的溫度下打排球。

  I ______ ______ they can play in this heat.

  69. 因為它們有幾分聰明。

  Because they are ______ ______ smart.

  70. 我們的價格老少咸宜。

  ______ can ______ our prices.

  得 分 評卷人




  1. 條理清楚,意思連貫,語句通順。2. 不少於40詞。

  Hello, everyone! Welcome to our zoo. Now let me introduce the animals to you.


  一、1—5 ECBAD

  二、6—10 ACBAC

  三、11—15 CCACB

  四、16—20 ABABB

  五、21—25 DCAAC

  六、26—30 BBCCA 31—35 BCDDC 36—40 BABCA

  七、41—45 BBBCC 46—50 CBACD

  八、51—55 FTFTF 56—60 BDBAB

  九、61—65 EADCB

  十、66. in; at 67. Thanks for 68. am surprised  69. kind of 70. Anybody can
