I Lost 我輸了
It was at a five o’clock tea. A young man came to the hostess to apologize for his lateness.
“So good of you to come, Mr.Jones,and where is your brother?”
“You see we're very busy in the office and only one of us could come,so we tossed up for it.”
“How nice!And so original, too! And you won?”
“No,” said the young man absently,“I lost.”
Skinny Dipping 裸泳
One day Jimmy went down to the pond for a dip, but before he could dive in he spied histeacher, Mrs. Smith, emerging from nude bathing. When Mrs. Smith saw Jimmy, she grabbedthe nearest object - which happened to be an old wooden box - and held it in front of her.
"Young man, I know what you're thinking," she said.
"And I know what you're thinking," replied Jimmy. "You're thinking that box has a bottom onit!"
The Bait 把誘餌扔回海里
A man and his wife were on a holiday.Theywent for a sail. Unfortunately the wife fell overboardand was drowned. The man asked the pier-master to let him know if her body was found. Twoweeks later he received a wire saying: "Body recovered yesterday covered with crabs. Sendinstructions." The man sent a wire back saying, "Sell crabs, send the money; reset bait."
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