



  【譯文】"Tianshan" brand cashmere sweaters,characterized by their bright colors,soft feel and light weight,are warm and comfortable to wear.Thanks to/Because of their fine quality,excellent workmanship,novel designs and styles and complete range of sizes,they have gained popularity with consumers abroad.

  【點評】漢語中的四字短語讀起來鏗鏘有力,節奏優美,他們的使用是漢語的一大特點,但漢語中的四字短語會呈現不同的結構,如主謂結構、動賓結構、偏正結構等。本例中的“色彩鮮豔”、“手感柔滑”、“穿著舒適”便是主謂結構,但英譯文將它們分別譯成了“bright colors”、“soft feel”和“light weight”,這種結構屬於漢語中的偏正結構,即形容詞修飾中心名詞,這樣翻譯是為了英語的行文需要而做的改變,因為這裡英譯文“characterized”之後需要接名詞短語。



  【譯文】Business should give prominence to the full use of employees' capabilities,creativity and wisdom potential,trying to create a working environment with fair competition,doing well in the training of employees,arousing the empolyees' enthusiasm about work and making the best possible use of every employee.

  【點評】“重視”是一個常用的詞語,其英語對應表達可以是highly regard,attach importance to,think much of等,但這些表達都無法同“充分發揮”的英文對應語the full play搭配,因此需要另外尋找一個表達形式以便和the full play搭配起來。英語中的give prominence to 正好可以同the full use of 搭配。由此可見,詞語的選擇要考慮該詞語的前後搭配。



  【譯文】We brought to the knowledge of the Seller that our order had been outstanding for a considerable amount of time.

  【點評】商務信函的最大特點就是語言正式同時彬彬有禮。這從漢語原文中“提請”一詞便可看出。英譯文使用了過去時態,又使用了非常正式的用詞如:“knowledge”等及句子結構如:“bring to the knowledge of”,可以視為禮貌程度非常高的商務信函客套用語。另外,“提請......注意”還可翻譯成“would like to drawcall,invite one's attention to”等。



  【譯文】We shall be obliged if you will quote us the rock-bottom prices for your products at your earliest convenience

  【點評】“我方將不勝感激”還可以翻譯成“We shall be grateful/thankful”或“It would be appreciated if ...”或“We should appreciate it if ...”。這些都是商務信函中常用的表達,既非常正式,又非常有禮貌。再比如:如蒙早日寄來樣品或產品冊,不勝感激。It would be appreciated if samples and/or a brochure could be forwarded to us soon.