要問候一位朋友,你可以說,"Hi! How are you?"但在商務場合,問候別人更合適的方式是,"Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening."同時包括他們的姓名:"Good morning, Ms. Smith." 接下來,小編給大家準備了初學商務英語要注意的,歡迎大家參考與借鑑。
How may I help you?
無論你是在哪個領域,你工作的很大一部分內容會涉及到請求或提供幫助。因此當別人打電話或過來請你幫忙是,無論他們是你的客戶還是老闆,要微笑著回答,"How may I help you?" 或是"What can I do for you?"千萬小心不要只是回答一句, "What do you want?"這句話聽起來相待的粗魯,特別是用錯了音調的話更可怕句子末尾的降調會使之聽上去非常的不禮貌。
I'm sorry/I will
當事情發生問題時,任何人都不希望聽到的是藉口。因此首先要道歉,然後採取行動。如果你回答不出問題或是不能完成某人的請求時,就用"I'm sorry ? 開始。這是避免衝突的最好的方式。例如,說"I'm sorry, I don't know the answer."但是不要就此停止!接著說出你將要做的內容。"But I will find out." "I'm sorry"表示出你對他們的關心,用"I will"表示你會幫助他們以安慰他們的情緒。
Would you mind?/Could you?/I'd appreciate.
除非你是top dog老闆,你不要讓別人覺得你是在發號施令。用疑問句比用陳述句更能表達你的請求。"Would you mind looking at this report?"或是"Could you take a look at this?"比以下的句子更恰當,"Look at this report."當你禮貌的提出請求時,同事會更樂意答應你!
In my opinion/I'm afraid I don't agree
在工作中,要討論新的想法或是專案時,你需要用禮貌的方式來解釋你的想法或是表示你不同意。將短語"In my opinion ?用在句首來告訴聽者你希望獲得各種各樣的不同意見。如果你不贊同某人,不要說, "That's the dumbest1 idea I've ever heard!" 而說,"I'm afraid I don't agree."小心選擇你的用詞還讓和你共同協作的人更願意聽你的意見!
Now let's move on to the next issue, which is how to compensate1 for the loss.
If you'll allow me, let me go on to the question of improving sales performance.
Now that the problem of payment terms has been dealt with, I'm eager to know if you can effect shipment in May?
I'm glad we have arrived at a complete agreement on the clauses discussed so far.
There remains2 only the question of packing.
What shall we discuss next? I suggest we have a word about insurance.
Next, we'd like to hear the comments by everyone present at the meeting.
Now I'd like to turn to the possible solutions.