“堅持”可以譯作adhere to, persevere1 in, persist in, hold on to, stick to, keep to等。
如:adherence to the socialist3 road, to Communist Party leadership, to the people's democratic dictatorship and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zetong Thought.
adhering to a coordinated4 and balanced program of development
persevere in the pursuit of one central task and two basic points
persisting in reform and opening up
hold on to socialism
stick to this attitude
keep to the socialist orientation5
Adhere to的意思是“堅持維護,支援”,“信仰堅定”,“忠實於”,如:adhere to principle/belief/ideas/opinion/promise/plan/program, “堅持黨的基本路線”可譯作adhere to the Party's basic line, “堅持無產階級國際主義”可譯作adhere to proletarian internationalism.
Persevere in 和persist in 一般用於行動,都有"“在困難或遭到反對的情況下堅持”的意思;但persevere in 帶褒義,表示“不屈不撓”,而persist in帶貶義,表示“頑固,不聽開導或勸告”,如:
Perseverance6 means success.
persevere in one's studies/armed struggle
persist in one's errors/asking insulting questions
Hold on to的意思是“抓住不放”,用於beliefs, ideas, principles時表示“堅持信仰,堅持原則和觀點”,即使他人影響或情況使人產生懷疑,也不改變或放棄,如:
hold on to one's views
Stick to 的意思是“粘住,不離”;和choice, decision, principle, belief等詞連用時,也有“不變,不放棄”,“堅持”的意思。
Keep to 有“不背離”,“不違背”,“遵守”的意思,如:
keep to the main road
keep to prearranged plan/schedule/promise
Keep to 用於decision, belief, rules時有“堅持”的意思。
此外,“堅持”也可譯作insist on, keep up, uphold等。 Insist on 多用於意見,主張,如:
We insist on an interview before we accept any MA candidates.
She insisted on her innocence7.
He insisted on going there alone.
Keep up的意思是“繼續”,如:
keep up one's studies/piano practice/the attack/the struggle/propaganda/criticism/the good work/the efforts/the customs of one's native land/regular payments/a friendship
Uphold的意思是“支援”,“贊同”,可和law, principle, system, practice連用。“我們黨堅持辨證唯物主義和歷史唯物主義的世界觀”可譯作Our Party upholds dialectical materialism8 and historical materialism as its world outlook.
在科技英語中常常見到在一個完整的句子後,由especially或particularly, 下同引出從句、片語或單詞來強調主句的行為或狀態的突出表現。怎樣翻譯這類句子的強調部分呢?請先看下句的三種譯文:
It should be noted1 that any form of preheat adds to the welder's difficulties and causes discomfort2, particularly when welding at hight preheat temperature
levels inside vessels3.
1The decision to repair is not easy, especially in borderline cases.
2Many code vessels are fabricated party in the shop and partly in the field, especially boilers4.
3A visual inspection5 must be done carefully for the materials, especially for those to be used in fabrication of pressure vessels.
4The shell parts of reactor6 pressure vessels have been often fabricated with formed plates welded together, especially in USA and Japan.
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