☆ the original ad such as: "delicious Haagen Dazs, like gold in the 24K gold, Kobe beef in Japan, especially the original palm oil, ordinary mushroom truffle, Chinese ceramics, Africa Simon ... ... is the 'ice cream field' in the best for.
☆ "New York Times" to give domineering ad: "cars have Rolls Royce, ice cream with Haagen Dazs."
☆ warm words of the ad, such as: "always inadvertently, to bring you the most meticulous care."
☆ and "love her, please her to eat Haagen Dazs" this classic sensational ad is to attract countless couples to become Haagen-Dazs regulars.
2000 year-end, Haagen-Dazs "reunion" series of ice cream in people looking forward to reunion, sharing a year of harvest hard time added a sweet memories. As is the very sensational "reunion" series of ice cream ad:
Haagen-Dazs always need you when you need to send a most intimate care, this is no exception. "Heart" series of Haagen-Dazs has always uphold the brand and creative style: make the United States taste, more beautiful implication, presented to focus on the quality of life has always been you. ***Haagen-Dazs slogan***
You will be deeply loved by it; dressed in plain green tea, you will for this elegant and portrait ... ... at this moment, you will love the fruit, You will understand that the sweetness of ice cream and tea fragrance can be so perfect combination. "" Matcha ", like a beautiful green memory, in all the past days," Green Tea "ice cream gives that an indelible Graceful sweet.
If you love her, take her to H? Agen-Dazs.
Haagen-Dazs always need you when you need to send a most intimate care, this is no exception. "Heart" series of Haagen-Dazs has always uphold the brand and creative style: make the United States taste, more beautiful implication, presented to focus on the quality of life has always been you.
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