Advertising theme ***slogan*** Haagen-Dazs, the witness of love Haagen-Dazs, accompanied by a lifetime of television advertising ----
Scenario One Christmas night, the streets crowded, Santa Claus is busy distributing gifts, a pair of couples walking hand in hand, the children play around to catch up, a pair of white-haired old couple, mutual arm on the road. ***Music Ten Ringo Bells Ringtone***
Scenario II.
Handsome boy kneeling on one knee, holding a bunch of Haagen Dazs made of roses, bouquets in the center of a ring, the girls surprised, moved to look at him. Boy: Honey, marry me!
Girl ***moving***: I am willing. Boys to girls with a ring, and then the two hugged affectionately. Around the outbreak of warm applause, that the old couple also laugh. Scenario two time back to the 70's in the United States, in Haagen-Dazs retail store door. "Hello, give me an ice cream" male and female uttered, they look at each other at the same time. Boys wearing a dark coat, girls wearing a pair of twisted braids.
Waiter ***slightly apologetic, smiling*** said: I am sorry, ice cream only one, you can choose other flavors. Boys and girls said: This to you.
Girl ***shy to say***:
Thank you! The boys selected another variety of ice cream, the two go back together.
Scenes three. Christmas night ***music ringing bells*** boys kneel in front of girls, hands holding ice cream ***shy***: Xiaoyun, marry me!
Girls ***shy, cheeks flush***: I am willing! Boys hold up the hands of girls, for her to wear rings. Scenario four grandfather pretend very casual to the grandmother's hand stuffed a box of Haagen-Dazs, grandmother looked up at him. Grandfather ***looked up elsewhere***: buy grandchildren to grandson to eat ***with a smile***: I know. Grandmother, grandfather mutual arm to leave.
The banner appears:
Haagen-Dazs, the witness of love
Haagen-Dazs, the witness of love
Print ads: Haagen Dazs, accompanied by a lifetime of thanks to watch!Haagen Dazs love witness * Nestle: Advantages: and road snow more similar to invest heavily in the construction of modern ice cream production line, the brand design and light blue road and snow distinction between the product packaging design and road snow more beautiful. Disadvantages: As a foreign brand-name products, and Nestle and snow, as the direct face of zero-batch, and even retailers marketing ideas, so that these foreign brand-name ice cream company's business is like a store.
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