The day before my graduation from a high school in St.Louis,the principal called an assembly. He wanted to say farewell informally,he explained,as he reviewed our years together. There was hardly a dry eye among us as he concluded,"We will remember you,and hope you will remember us;more importantly,we want all of you to meet in this very auditorium 25 years from today.”
There was a moment of silence,then a thin voice piped up,"What time?"
Our annual high school faculty party was held at a popular restaurant. By late evening,our waiter looked dead on his feet. My husband told him to pull up a chair.“Are all you folks teachers?"the young man asked.
"Why,yes,"I replied. "What makes you ask?"
" I never waited on a group like this before,”he said."Every time one of you wants something,you raise your hand."
At a convention in Washington, D. C.,I met a man who was visiting from a rural community. One night, he got into a taxicab and saw the name Allah on the dashboard.Unaccustomed to the cultural diversity of the city,he asked the driver,“Is that your name?" Shocked, the driver responded,”No. That is the god I worship!"
Embarrassed,the visitor was determined not to make the same mistake again. The next time he got into a cab,he noticed a crown on the dashboard,and he asked the driver,"Is that a religious symbol?"
"No,"the driver responded. "It's an air freshener."
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