Once there was a thirsty crow. She had flown a long way looking for water to drink. Suddenly she saw a pitcher. She flew down and saw it held a little water, but it was so low in the pitcher that she could not reach it.
"But I must have that water," she cried. "I am too heavy to fly farther. What shall I do? I'll tip the pitcher over." She beat it with her wings, but it was too heavy. She could not move it. Then she thought a while. "I know now! I will break it! Then I will drink the water as it pours out. How good it will taste!"
With beak and claws and wings she threw herself against the pitcher. But it was too strong. The poor crow stopped to rest. "What shall I do now? I cannot die of thirst with water close by. There must be a way, if I only hat wit enough to find it out."
After a while the crow had a bright idea. There were many small stones lying about. She picked them up one by one and dropped them into the pitcher. Slowly the water rose, till at last she could drink it. How good it tasted! "There is always a way out of hard places." said the crow "If only you have the wit to find it."
Mike is a little boy. He is only five years old. He is too small to go to school. So he can not read and write.
One day he stood at my desk with a pencil in his hand. There was a big piece of paper on the desk. He wanted to draw a picture of himself. He drew lines and cleared them out, then drew more and cleared them out again. When I looked at the picture, he wasn’t happy. “Well,” he said at last to me, “I’ll put a tail on it and make it a monkey.”
He began to add the tail. I began to laugh.
一天,他手裡拿著一支鉛筆站在我的桌子前。桌子上放著一張大紙,他要畫自畫像。他畫了幾筆就擦掉了,再畫幾筆,有擦掉了。當我看一幅畫時,他很不高興。 “好吧,”他最後和我說,“我就再加一條尾巴,把他畫成一隻猴子吧!”
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