《小重山》 岳飛
Manifold Little Hills
Yue Fei
The autumn crickets chirped incessantly last night,
Breaking my dream homebound;
'T was already midnight.
I got up and alone in the yard walked around;
On window screen the moon shone bright;
There was no human sound.
My hair turns grey
For the glorious day.
In native hills bamboos and pines grow old.
O when can I see my household?
I would confide to my lute what I have in view,
But connoisseurs are few.
Who would be listening,
Though I break my lute string?
《滕王閣詩》 王勃
Pavilion of Prince Teng
Wang Bo
The Pavilion of Prince Teng towers high by the riverside,
But gone is the music amid tinkling jade pendants and carriage bells.
Painted pillars loom through the morning cloud from South Bay,
Pearly window curtains flutter in the evening rain from West Hills.
Only lazy clouds and shadows in the water are seen these long days,
Great changes have taken place in the years gone by.
Where is the prince who had the pavilion built here?
Beyond the balustrade silently the long river flows.
《送杜少府之任蜀州》 王勃
Bidding Deputy Magistrate Du Farewell
Wang Bo
The capital and palace are guarded by the land of three Qin kingdoms,
In the distance the Five Ferries are screened by wind and mist.
Now comes the time for us to bid farewell to each other,
And we will both be officials away from home on duty.
So long as we remain bosom friends in our heart of hearts,
We'll still feel like neighbours despite the distance apart.
So don't let us shed silly tears like youngsters
At that last moment when we both wave goodbye.
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