Keep Your Head
A young man was working in the produce section of a grocery store when a customer asked him for half a head of cabbage.
"Sir, we don't sell half heads of anything. "
"Well, I insist; 1 0nly want half a head. "
"I'll ask the manager. "
The young man walked to the manager's office and, not realizing that the customer had followed him, said to the manager,
"Sir, some asshole wants to buy just half a head of cabbage. "
Turning and noticing the customer, he quickly added,
"And this gentleman wants the other half. "
Later, the manager took the young man aside and said,
"That was quick thinking, young fellow. We can use bright lads like you. If I hear of a higher position opening up, I'll keep you in mind. "
Sure enough, a few weeks later the manager told the young man that an assistant manager's spot had become vacant in the company's store in Edmonton.
"Edmonton!" blurted out the young man. "Why, there's nothing in Edmonton but hookers and hockey',event***">hockey playersi"
"Young man , my wife happens to come from Edmonton! "
"No kidding, sir; what posltion does she play?"
Home Sweet Home
A surgeon returned from a safari in Africa.
"How did it go?" asked his colleagues.
"Oh , it was very disappointing," replied the surgeon.
"I didn't kill a thing. In fact, I'd have been better off staying here in the hospital. "
You Do Have a Prololem
A man reported to his doctor that he was having trouble going to the bathroom',event***">bathroom.
"Do you urinate in the morning?" asked the doctor.
"Yeah, every morning at six o'clock. "
"And how are your bowel movements?"
"Seven o'clock every morning, just like clockwork. "
"So what's the problem?"
"I don't get up until eight. "
The Blgger They Are the Harder They Fa
The psychiatrist was a bit perturbed. He had cured his patient of his delusions but still the man did not seem happy.
"What's the matter, Mr. Jones?" he inquired. "Aren't you glad to be dealing with the world realistically?"
"Oh, sure. Doc, sure .... Only, last year I was Genghis Khan and now I' m nobody ! "
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