


  Papa Won’t Like It 爸爸會不高興的

  It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. The farmer lived nearby heard the noise. “Hey Willis!” the farmer

  yelled, “Forget your troubles. Come in with us. Then I’ll help you get the wagon up.” “That’s nice of you, ” Willis answered,

  “but I don’t think Papa would like me to.” “Aw, come on,” the farmer insisted. “Well okay,” the boy finally agreed, “but Papa won’t

  like it.” After a hearty dinner, Willis thanked his host and said, “I feel better now, but I know Papa is going to be real upset.”

  “Don’t be foolish,” the neighbor said, “by the way, where is he?” “Under the wagon.”


  扶起來。” “太好了”,威利斯答,“但爸爸會不高興的。” “哎呀,快來吧”,農夫仍在堅持。“好吧”,小男孩終於答應了,“但爸爸真的

  會不高興。”一頓豐盛的晚餐之後,威利斯向農夫表示感謝:“我覺得好多了,但爸爸肯定很不高興。” “別傻了”,農夫說,“哦,



  The Month Is Up Today! 今天是最後一天!

  A man sat at a bar, had the saddest hangdog expression.

  Bartender: “What’s the matter? Are you having troubles with your wife?”

  The man: “We had a fight, and she told me that she wasn’t going to speak to me for a month.”

  Bartender: “That should make you happy.”

  The man: “No, the month is up today!”







  How much English can you speak? 你會說多少英文?

  “Your Honor, I want to bring to your attention how unfair it is for my client to be accused of theft. He arrived in New York City a week ago and barely knew his way around. What’s more, he only speaks a few words of English.” The judge looked at the defendant and asked,

  “How much English can you speak?” The defendant looked up and said, “Give me your wallet!”

  “法官先生,我的當事人被指控偷竊,這是多麼不公正啊。他一週前才來到紐約,幾乎不認路。而且,他只會說幾個英語單詞。” 法官看了



  Who Talks More ? 誰廢話更多? A husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men, showed her a study which indicated that men use on average only 15000 words a day, whereas women use 30000 words a day. She thought about this for a while and then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say.He said, “What?”




  Pig or Witch 豬或女巫A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells “PIG!!” The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, “WITCH!!” They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. If only men would listen.


