在民間文學的各種體裁中 ,民間笑話的材料很多 ,也是時下最為流行的民間敘事型別。小編精心收集了,供大家欣賞學習!
:Seeking to survive 求生
A sick man was about to die. The doctor decided to tell him the truth.
He looked down at the sick man and said: "I think you would like to know the facts, so I should tell you that you are very sick now. Do you want somebody to come to see you?"
"Yes," the sick man answered in a very feeble voice. "Who is it?" asked the doctor. The patient replied in a slightly stronger tone, "Another doctor".
:The personals 徵婚啟事
Things were really getting worse after the war. Life became so difficult that a lot of people lived in want***在貧困中***.
A newspaper had published an advertisement for a man in want of tires: "Owner of a truck would like to correspond with a widow who owns two tires. Object: matrimony***結婚***. Send picture of tires."
有一家報紙曾給一個需要輪胎的人登過一個這樣的廣告:“一部貨車的車主願意和一位備有兩個輪胎的寡婦通訊。目的:成婚。 要把輪胎的照片寄過來。”
:Congratulations 恭喜
"I'd like you to come right over," a man phoned an undertaker***承辦人***, " and supervise the burial of my poor, departed wife."
"Your wife!" gasped the undertaker, "Didn't I bury her two years ago?"
"You don't understand," said the man, "You see I married again."
"Oh," said the undertaker, "Congratulations!"
“噢”, 老闆說,“恭喜恭喜!”
:A shipwrecked sailor 一個遭遇海難的水手
A sailor was the only survivor of the shipwreck.
He had to stay on a desert island for three years.
One day he was very pleased to find a ship anchored in the day. When a small boat cameashore, an officer handed him a bunch of newspaper and said, "The captain suggests you read what's going on the world, and then tell us if you want to be rescued."
:High pay 高薪
A famous lawyer always lectured his office boy. He thought it was good for the boy although he didn't need it.
One day it happened that the lawyer heard his office boy asked by the one employed next door, "How much does he pay you?" His office boy replied, "I get two thousand dollars a year. He pay some ten dollars a week in cash and the rest in his legal advice."
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