
  Everything now is for the future of dream weaving wings, let the dream fly in reality.現在的一切都是為將來的夢想編織翅膀,讓夢想在現實中展翅高飛。那麼下面是小編為你們帶來的英語手抄報,我們一起來看看吧。



  1.《書經》The Book of History

  2.《易經》The Book of Changes

  3.《禮記》The Book of Rites

  4.《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals

  5.《山海經》Mountain and Sea Classics

  6.《戰國策》Stratagems of the Warring States

  7.《史記》Records of the Grand Historian

  8.《世紀新說》New sayings of the World

  9.《西廂記》Romance of the Western Chamber

  10.《詩經》The Book of Songs