The reason why people are ordinary lies in their inability to surpass themselves.人之所以平凡,在於無法超越自己。那麼下面是小編為你們帶來的英語手抄報,我們一起來看看吧。
Today, we are affected by the commercial ads everywhere. When we open the TV, we will see the ads to advocate us to pursue perfectness, when we walk on the street, there are beautiful stars’
pictures on the shops. So most people have the consciousness that we are not perfect and we should buy some products to make us look perfect. As for me, when I see a very beautiful girl who
makes up with thick power, I don’t appreciate her beauty, while when I see a girl who looks so natural and with some spots in her face, I think she is pretty. No one is perfect, the incomplete
beauty is the real beauty.
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