爆笑的英語小笑話帶翻譯:A Man of Actions
A crowd of student was gathered on the campus of Oxford University.“You can have nodoubt,”shouted a young man excitedly,“that if the Dean does not take back what he said to methis morning, I'll leave Oxford this very evening!”
A buzzing noise followed.“What a man of actions!”one said in admiration.“How should wesupport him and learn from him!”said another.
Suddenly, a girl asked,“What did the Dean say to you, Hob?”
He bent and whispered to her,“Well,er...er...Miss Rose, er...he told me to get clean away fromOxford this very evening!”
爆笑的英語小笑話帶翻譯:好孩子 Good Boy!
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents.
"What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.
"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly.
"Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"
"She is the one who sells the candy."
爆笑的英語小笑話帶翻譯:A smart housewife
A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half ofthe coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said: "That'll be terrific! Since one stovecan save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be needed!"
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