


  Today we had a short trip to Beidaihe River. We set out in the school bus at 7:20 a.m. The weather was pleasant and everyone of us was excited. After two hours’ ride, we arrived there at nine thirty. We began our programs as soon as we got off the bus. We played games on the sands and swam in the river happily. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon we walked along the beach to Nandaihe. It is also very beautiful. Many photos were taken there. We enjoyed ourselves very much. Time passed quickly and we had to leave,. It was half past four when we returned safe. What a good trip we had today! I’ll never forget it.


  Chaplin was the best person who brightened people even during the world war I and II.Howere,his won life was no easy.Born in a poor family,he was thought to act at early age.He also had to look after his family by teens because his father died.As one of the most pouplar child actors at that time,Charlie performed well so everyone loved his performance.

  He has made a lot of famous characters such as,the little tramp.And his acting in the Gold Rush attracted many people.

  Charlie won a special Oscar because of his outstanding work.He was honored as a great actor after he died in 1977.


  When I was a little girl ,I dreamed to grow up. Because I think a child doesn't has freedom,and can't do anything himself.

  But now I have grown up, to my surprise, I feel more tired and have more suffering.Though I can do something myself, I don't feel happy at all.

  I believe you also have the same thoughs with me. when we was a child , we wanted to grow up, but when we became a older man,we don't have such nice life as wish. So whatever we are children or adults, we should try to make our life better, and make ourselves more happy. we should try our best to study hard, then we can let parents have good life, too! Let's do our best to do ourself ! Believe yourself ! You are the best!


  Many people like to raise a pet to company them. Especially as there are more only child, so keeping a pet can fill the blank space of a sibling. Dogs are most people’s choice, for they are said to be the loyal friends. In the movies, dogs are described as human being’s trustful friends and they will never abandon their masters. In the famous and touching movie Hachi, a homeless dog named Hachi is raised by a professor. The dog waits for his master to go home after work at the train station every day. Someday, the professor has a heart attack while he is having class and he dies. Hachi never sees his master appear in the train station, but he still goes to the place to wait for his master until the end of his life. Everybody is moved by the loyal dog, his story still goes on.
