

  幫助別人就是幫助自己 Helping Others is Helping Ourselves



  1. 無需寫標題,開頭已經給出,但不計入總詞數;

  2. 文中要結合你幫助別人或別人幫助你的一件事例;

  3. 文中不得透露任何個人和學校的真實資訊;

  4. 詞數為80左右。

  As the saying goes, roses given, fragrance in hand. In our daily life, we will meet with a lot of trouble.



  As the saying goes, roses given, fragrance in hand. In our daily life, we will meet with a lot of trouble. So it is necessary for us to help those who are in trouble.

  I still remember I helped one of my classmates with his English when we were in the first term of Junior Eight. Li Hua, one of my classmates, was not good at English while I did well. One day, he asked me to help him. So from then on, whenever he had problems, he would ask me, and I was patient to explain them to him. Slowly, his English improved with my help. At the same time, I found my English improved too.

  Actually, helping others is helping ourselves.





  :海報 Poster




  1. 參加者:美國北地中學校隊和我校校隊

  2. 地點:水泥球場

  3. 時間:2005年11月20日***星期天***下午4點

  4. 組織者:我院學生會文體部

  5. 海報發出時間:2005年11月14日


  Friendly Basketball Match

  Under the auspices of the Recreational and Phys ical Culture Department of the Students' Union of our school,a friendly basketball watch will be held between the visiting U.S.Northfield Team and ours on the cement basketball count on Sunday, November20th 2005 at 4:00 p.m.

  the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students' Union

  November 14th 2005