Everytime, when I close my eyes I can't see the light of heaven.
Though, I can't deny there's God who have created this earth…
Day by day, month by month…
I'm very interested 'bout the light of heaven…
But, there's no one can tell me 'bout that.
Till the eve came…
The shadow of the Christmas was rise.
I saw in my dream a Baby, who was born to the earth to show the light of heaven…
A Baby that have a pure smile, and the light of heaven surround Him…
He was born to show us and let us know what the love is it…
He loves me and u… I'll let them know You died for me.
And I have a merry little Christmas with luv…
The luv that never die… Always in my heart…
Now, I want to praise You, Lord…
Coz, U're d one in my heart that no one can take your place…
Merry Christmas with love…
The girl of my dream,
Have blue sparkling eyes.
When I look into em,
I feel like I'm drowning inside,
Her fair skins are smooth like milk,
When she soothes lotions all over em,
It tingles me inside.
Her hairs are soft as silk,
When I brush my hands through them.
I recognize the fragrance of a Love Spell.
A spell so strong, a love so quick,
A heart was taken, a gift was sent,
An angel from heaven came down to me,
On the first day of December,
Filling my Christmas with love and joy.
Her every movement so elegant,
Her every blush so heartening,
Her smiles, her smirks,
Like lava of a volcano,
Melts me down so thoroughly from the inside.
Her voice resounds through my body.
Like a lullaby, she sings me to sleep.
The girl of my dream.
Samantha Sue Coop Escudero.
You are so beautiful .
I have looked at Christmas: holly red.
Secret Santa: rich pudding-fed:
Standing with my eyes shut, on tip toe.
I've stood hopefully under mistletoe.
Now, like scrooge, I look at the season new.
I smile less and party with few.
And all the words of love now lie.
Mock silently, ruffle and die.
I have looked at Christmas from both sides now.
From happy and sad and still somehow.
It's not the season that I see.
It's my own candied fantasy.
But for you I wish the happy red show,
Stockings filled with family galore;
Soul food cooked in kitchens known.
And sleep that is sound in a bed at home.
Because the spirit is not in wishing for ones self you see,
And the dreams and the hopes are for your fantasy.
So I wish you this Christmas old love anew.
And silent wishes that will do come true.
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