
  笑話是幽默的一個屬概念 ,具有幽默的一切特徵。笑話是民族特有幽默的一種形式。小編精心收集了,供大家欣賞學習!

  :what's puberty***青春期***

  One evening, in the midst of dinner preparation, our 10-year-old daughter asked, "Mommy,what's puberty?" My wife was rushed at the moment, so she suggested that Peggy look up theword in the dictionary, after which they could talk about it.


  A few minutes later, Peggy returned. Her mother asked what the dictionary had said.


  "Puberty means," announced Peggy, "the earliest age at which a girl is able to bear children."


  "What do you think of that?" my wife asked.


  "I'm not sure," Peggy relied. "I've always been able to bear children. It's adults I can't bear.".


  Note: bear children: 生孩子。bear 一詞也可作“忍受”講。

  :I Hope So

  Neighbour: Do you think your son will forget all he learned at college?


  Father: I hope so -- he certainly can’t make a living by kissing girls!


  :A Smart Witness


  A witness to an automobile accident was testifying.


  The lawyer asked him,"Did you actually see the accident?"


  The witness:"Yes,sir."

  目擊證人說:“是的, 長官."

  The lawyer :"How far away were you when the accident happened?"


  The witness:"Thirty-one feet,six and one quarter inches."

  目擊證人說:“三十一英尺,六又四分之一 英尺。”

  The lawyer***thinking he'd trap the witness***:"Well ,sir,will you please tell the jury how you knew it was exactly that distance?"


  The witness:"Because when the accident happened I took out a tape and measured it.I knew some annoying lawyer would ask me that silly question."

  目擊證人說:“因為當車禍發生的時候,就拿出了卷盡測量過宦。我早知道會莉一個令人傷腦筋.律師問。我那個蠢問題 。”