

  1. Durian clan


  Durian clan refers to those ill-tempered co-workers who have been working for many years and are hard to get along with, just like the smelly fruit with thick thorny skin.



  2. Over-drained clan


  Over-drained clan refers to employees who find themselves running out of new ideas as well as enthusiasm after spending all their time and energy on day-to-day work.


  為了保住工作,人們把大量的精力都投入到工作當中, 把上學時學到的知識和技能都用盡了,也沒了工作熱情。保持好工作和生活的平衡能夠使“掏空族”的生活更上一層樓,而如果有終身學習的規劃,他們就一定能夠擺脫被“掏空”的命運。

  3. Pretend-to-be-busy tribe


  They are invariably white-collar workers. Their desks are forever stacked with piles of documents. And they can hardly turn away from the computer screen any time of the day.It looks as if they are workaholics. Only that they are not. They just pretend to be. They are called the pretend-to-be-busy tribe.



  4. Soft-sided luggage


  Soft-sided luggage refers to an employee whose talent and multi-tasking abilities allows him or her to take on assignment after assignment. They, like soft-side luggage, seemingly expand to handle the workload.


  5. Office dwellers


  Office dwellers refer to those who linger at their offices after official work hours, most of whom are in the country's first-tier cities. Some lingerers are demanded to work overtime, some choose to evade traffic congestion during peak hours and some people, mainly living alone, are not willing to go home and prefer to kill time in the office.

  Office dwellers***賴班族***指下班後還賴在辦公室不走的人們,這些人多數都在國內一線城市生活。他們當中有些人留在辦公室是因為加班;有人是為了躲避下班高峰時段的交通擁堵;還有一些人獨自生活,下班了也不想回家,寧願在辦公室消磨時間。

  6. Workplace bully


  If you are often humiliated, belittled or called names by a colleague, you could be facing a workplace bully. The bully’s remarks and actions may seem harmless at first but they are meant to be offensive and to show you in a poor light.


  7. Queen bee syndrome


  Queen bee syndrome was first defined by G.L. Staines, T.E. Jayaratne, and C. Tavris in 1973. It describes a woman in a position of authority who views or treats subordinates more critically if they are female.


  研?a href='//' target='_blank'>咳嗽輩虜猓?渫踝酆險骺贍蓯竊詬髯粵煊蛉〉媒細咧俺〉匚壞吶?雜靡緣摯顧?撬??a href='//' target='_blank'>文化中任何形式性別歧視的武器。患有蜂王綜合徵的女性通過阻止同性下屬升遷這樣的職場文化惡習來使自己更好地融入同一級別的男同事當中。

  8. Office quarterback


  Office quarterback refers to a manager that is infamously known for handing off their work and other useless assignments to you that they could and should be doing themselves.



  9. Desk potato


  Desk potato is someone who sits at a desk all day long but gets little to nothing done -- usually because of websurfing or playing computer games. The term is derived from couch potato.

  桌邊神遊族指整天坐在書桌邊,卻不見有任何事情完成的人,通常都是因為他們成天都在上網閒逛或玩遊戲。Desk potato這個說法來源於couch potato***電視迷、成天坐在沙發上無所事事的人***。

  10. Work spouse


  A work spouse is a co-worker, usually of the opposite sex, with whom one shares a special relationship, having bonds similar to those of a marriage; such as, confidences, loyalties, shared experiences, and a degree of honesty or openness. The work spouse is a potentially key relationship when one's actual spouse or boy/girlfriend is not able to be there.
