A: The youth of today are so venturous; I wonder whether they’ll ever settle down.
B: John, there is nothing wrong with being adventuresome at their age. In fact, I quite admire them.
A: I just wonder sometimes if we were that reckless.
A: 現在的年輕人都這麼膽大妄為,不知他們什麼時候才能夠安分點。
B: John,他們這個年齡敢於冒險沒什麼不好。事實上,我非常欣賞他們。
A: 我有時候在想,我們以前是不是也像他們那樣魯莽。
venturous: 大膽的,好冒險的。
settle down: 平靜下來;安靜下來。
adventuresome: 膽大的;愛冒險的。
admire: 欽佩;讚賞;羨慕。
reckless: 毫不考慮危險的;不計後果的。
A: The character in my story was undaunted by the threat on his life. Perhaps that is where his rash behavior stemmed from.
B: Yes, his courage was great, but also his love for his girlfriend allowed him to be bold and valiant.
A: Yes, he was lionhearted enough to run into the burning building to save her.
A: 我故事裡的人物儘管生命受到威脅卻毫不畏懼。也許他魯莽的行為據源於此。
B: 沒錯,他的勇氣可嘉,他對女朋友的愛使他變得更加大膽、勇猛。
A: 他真是勇猛,竟然衝進被烈火包圍的大樓裡去救她。
undaunted: 儘管情勢危險或障礙重重仍無所畏懼的,大膽的,勇敢的。
rash: 不計後果或危險魯莽的;輕率莽撞的。
stem from: 起源於;由……造成。
bold: 勇敢的;大膽的。
valiant: 不被困難所嚇倒的,英勇的,勇猛的。
lionhearted: 像獅子一樣勇敢的。