


  I was about to leave.


  I am gonna be there at 3:0


  You had better hurry.


  Who is there?


  We are going to freak out if you don't show up!

  如果你再不來, 我們都快發瘋了.

  You stood us up again.


  1 Or if you like, a hotel is in walking distance.

  如果你喜歡的話, 有一間旅館用走的就可以走的到.

  Are you free tonight?


  Do you happen to be free?


  Are you in a mood for a walk?


  How about going for a cup of coffee?


  May I ask you out?


  Would you like to go with me on Friday night to the new restaurant? 週五晚上你願意和我一起去那家新餐館嗎?

  Would you like to go to the movies with me?


  How about going for a drink after work today?



  relationship 戀情,比較確定的男女朋友關係。

  hook-up 類似於“談談情說說愛”或者“勾搭”,但並不是很貶義,指年輕人間並非情侶的親密關係。Hook up作為動詞短語也可表示“介紹”,如:Can you hook me up with your top client?

  love affair風流韻事,短期的非固定關係,如:He had a love affair with a British girl when he was studying in London.

  fling作樂,一時的放縱,也常說summer fling。


  date 約會。西方的說法是,如果還在date階段的,就只是有意,還沒成為正式男女朋友。

  go out with sb男女朋友約會。如果用這個短語,說明你們已經不是普通朋友關係了***more than friends***。

  see sb男女朋友約會,常用is seeing somebody來表示他/她正處於戀愛關係中。

  When are you free? 您什麼時候有空?

  Are you free this Thursday afternoon? 您這個週四下午有空嗎? What time will you be in? 您什麼時候在?

  What time will you be able to see me? 您什麼時候可以見我?

  Would Wednesday morning be all right? 週三上午可以嗎?

  I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Smith. 我想約見史密斯先生。 Shall I call for you or will you come for me? 我去找您還是您來找我? I'll call and see you if you like. 如果您願意我想拜訪一下您。

  I shall be free this afternoon. 我今天下午有空。

  I shall be here at half past six. 我六點半在這兒。

  I'll be very pleased to see you. 我將非常高興見到您。

  I'll be so glad if you can come. 如果您能來我將很高興。

  I'm not quite sure if I'm free. 我不肯定是否有空。

  Monday would be better for me. 星期一會好一點。

  Well, I'm engaged at that time. 哦,那時我有個約會。

  I can't keep the appointment because I am sick. 因為生病所以我不能赴約。


  to make an appointment 訂約會

  to confirm an appointment 確定約會

  to change an appointment 改約會

  to keep an appointment 守約會

  to have an appointment with sb. 與某人有個約會

  to cancel an appointment 取消約會

  to reschedule an appointment 重新安排約會

  to postpone/put off an appointment 推遲約會

  to call on 拜訪

  to be engaged 約會



  1. have a crush on 迷戀某人

  A: I'm having this huge crush on Ted. I'm going to try and see if I

  can ask

  him out this weekend.

  A: 我最近好喜歡Ted 喔! 我想看看能不能約他這個週末出來。

  B: Well...But I heard that he is already seeing somebody.

  B: 嗯……但是我聽說他已經有了交往的物件了誒!

  美國人關於交友的用詞和我們有些不同。這裡的 "he is seeing somebody" 有可能指他剛正開始和某人交往,


  不過, 如果例句中的"...But I heard that he is already seeing somebody." 改成 "...But I heard that he is already is a serious relationship with

  somebody." 就慘了。因為那表示這個叫Ted 的男生不但是「死會」了, 而且是「非常地死會」。各位應該可以大致抓到它的意思吧。

  2. play hard-to-get 欲擒故縱

  A: So she stood you up last night.

  A: 結果, 她昨晚放你鴿子啦?

  B: Well, I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get.

  B: 嗯, 大概想跟我玩「欲擒故縱」的遊戲吧!

  "stand someone up" 是「放某人鴿子」的意思。

  "play hard-to-get" 也可以說成 "play tough-to-get"。

  3. hook up 介紹、送作堆

  A: Hey, how come you've never told me you have a cute sister...

  A: 嘿! 你為什麼從來沒告訴我你有一個這麼漂亮可愛的妹妹?

  B: What are you trying to say?

  B: 你想說什麼呢?

  A: Well, you can hook me up, maybe?

  A: 嗯..也許你可幫我介紹一下?

  B: No way.

  B: 休想!

  "How come?" 是口語上經常被用來代替"why"的字, 是「為什麼」的意思。但是"how come"

  跟"why"的用法是不同的。用"how come"時, 句子的構造很接近中文: 如: "How come you didn't call

  me last night?" ***你為什麼昨晚沒打電話給我呢?***。這句話如果換成用"why"就須要用一般的問句型式, 而成 "Why

  didn't you call me last night?"了。

  美國人對於親屬輩份關係的區分, 並不像我們那麼清楚。這裡的 "sister" 可能指「姊姊」, 也可能指「妹妹」,須要另外問才清楚。

  "hook up" 是"connection"的意思, 相當於中文裡的「介紹、認識」之類的詞, 並不單指男女之間的認識。比如某人正在找份工作, 他的朋友剛好認識比爾蓋茲***BillGates***。他就可以跟這位朋友說"Hey!

  Since you're a friend of Bill's, why don't you hook me up?" ***嘿!

  既然你是比爾的朋友, 幫我介紹一下吧!***

  4. break up 分手

  A: How are Bob and Pat doing?

  A: Bob 和Pat 近來如何?

  B: They broke up last summer.

  B: 他們去年夏天分開了。

  "break up" 是「關係中止」的意思, 不限於男女之間的關係。"break-up" 是分手的名詞形。如: "They had an

  ugly break-up." ***他們很不愉快地分手了。***

