My Dad and I
My dad and I-we think alike,
He knows just what I mean
Before I even say a word
He reads, well, in between.
My dad and I-we like to fish
Or build a model plane,
Or fix a broken chair or two
Or just a windowpane.
My dad and I-we know the score
Of every single game;
Sometimes he's really busy, too
But he takes me just the same.
My dad and I-we go swimming too,
Each year and sometimes twice.
My dad and I-we do everything;
My dad-he's really nice.
--Phyllis C. Michael
My Dad
When I was just a tiny kid,
Do you remember when,
The time you kissed my bruises,
Or cleaned by soiled chin?
You scrambled for the balls I hit,
***Short-winded more than not,***
Yet, every time we'd play a game,
You praised the "outs" I caught.
It seems like only yesterday,
You wiped away my tears,
And late at night I called your name,
To chase away my fears.
Though time has changed your handsome grip,
Your hair is snowy white,
You gait's a little slower now,
Thick glasses help your sight.
Oh, do I thirst for years gone by,
To be that growing lad,
Re-living all of the memories,
Of growing with my dad.
Father's Day
Over the years
As we grow old,
We remember our father
So brave and bold.
In the garden,
Leaning on the plow,
He would listen to me;
I see him now.
He would give advice
And understand;
He was always there
To lend a hand.
God made fathers
Strong and firm,
For he knew our lives
Would have great concerns.
So he gave us fathers
To teach us to pray,
And guide our lives,
And show us the way.
So on his day
Let's take the time
To say "Thanks, dad.
I'm glad you're mine."
Mary Frances Bogle
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