A: Oh dear, my weight has gone up again.
B: I am not supprised, you eat too much.
A: And I suppose sitting at the desk all day at the office doesn't help.
B: No, I wouldn't think so.
A: I do wish I could lose weight.
B: Well, why don't you go on a diet?
A: I've tried diets before but they've never worked.
B: Perhaps you should excerise more. Why don't you go to an exercise class.
A: Yes, maybe I should.
a: hello! nice to see you here at the finess centre again. what exercises are you going to do today?
b; i'm going to do some jogging on the treadmill. then i think i'll do some work with the dumbbless.
a; good idea. i'd suggest you do some crunches too. thery're great for getting in shape. make sure you do them correctly.
b; ok. i will. could you help me with the treadmill? i found it difficult to get the setting right last time.
a; sure. is today only you second visit?
b: yes, it is. i'll be coming here regularly. i think i need regular exercise to get in shape and then to stay in shape.
a; the treadmill is excellent for helping you to build up stamina. each time you use it, increase this distance. don't worry about your speed at first. you can increase that later.
b; i was told that the first time i came heer. i was told not to put too much pressure on my body at first. i need to build up slowly.
a: that's right. you don't want to injure yourself by exercising too much or in the wrong way. now, this is how you make the settings for the treadmill...
a; i think i should join a fitness centre. i am getting a little fat and i'm totally out of shape. even a quick walk of a few hundred metres leaves me out of breath.
b; i'm afraid you are beginning to look a litte overweight. you really need to stop smoking. that's the main reason you're unhealthy.
a; i guess you're right. i've tried stopping, but i just can;t seem to quit.
b; why don't you try smoking one cigarette less each day? how many do you smoke each day now?
a; i smoke around 30 each day.
b; ok . so for one month,reduce the number you smoke by one a day. at the end of the month, you'll have quit. you should also buy a tracksuit and go jogging every morning. you don't need to jog far.
a; if i do a few exercises at home, like crunches, i'll soon deal with this waistline.
b; be careful when you go jogging. don't put yourself under too much stress. you're still a smoker shouldn't do too much exercises in your condition.
a: i'll join a fitness centre.i'm sure they'll be able to give me more advice. there's one near my office, so i can go before and after work. i don't want to go jogging in the street, so i'll use a treadmill.
b; good idea. remember to eat healthily too. the trainers at the fitness centre will be able to advise you on your diet.
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