扁豆,Lablab purpureus ***Linn.*** Sweet,通用名藊豆,別名火鐮扁豆、藤豆、沿籬豆、鵲豆、查豆、月亮菜,雙子葉植物綱。種類也很多,如:白扁豆、紫扁豆、油豆、蛇豆、豬耳豆***形似豬耳朵***。為豆科扁豆屬多年生、纏繞藤本植物。是一種豆類植物。那麼,你知道扁豆的的英文單詞是什麼嗎?
扁豆 [biǎn dòu]
hyacinth bean
haricot bean
Brazilians start their year with lentils and rice or lentil stew.
Maybe a spicy sauce made of lentils could wake up your taste buds!
Lentils also are good for the soil.
Cook the lentils until they are mushy.
Do you also like to eat lentils?
Like senna stirs along the ravaged roots.
Lentils do not require soaking before cooking.
My aunt makes a lovely green lentil soup.
Rinse lentils thoroughly under cold running water and drain.
My vision of hell is a lentil casserole.
Wash the lentils under cold running water 用流動的涼水沖洗小扁豆。
They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils 他們生活節儉,只吃燕麥粥和小扁豆
Cook the lentils until they are mushy 把扁豆燒到呈爛糊狀為止
I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking 我是個素食主義者,日常烹飪時會用到很多小扁豆。
Legumes including beans, peas, and lentils are also symbolic of money 包括豆莢 、 豌豆和小扁豆在內的豆類也被視為是錢的象徵
The lentil is just such a crop for many South Asians 小扁豆在南亞是原料農作物
Add lentils , chicken bouillon and water to the skillet 加入扁豆, 雞精和水
The sediments in this photo curve near the ends of chert pods 這沉澱物在這幅圖片的曲線近似冷凝物的黑矽石的扁豆形礦體
Vegtetable proteins such as beans and lentils are also important 植物蛋白質,如豆類和小扁豆等蛋白質也是重要的
Rinse lentils thoroughly under cold running water and drain 扁豆放在水龍頭下,用涼水沖洗乾淨,濾幹水份
Lentils, or dal are extremely important to Indian cooking 扁豆, 或是木豆在印度烹飪佔有非常重要的地位
In a fight to save in Bai Yang and lentils 在一次打架鬥毆中楊林為了救白文得罪了沈慶和扁豆
It needed lemon juice to sharpen the flatness of the dried lentils 它需要檸檬汁來讓已變乾的扁豆***更加爽滑
" You should know how to make an Apple salad with bean then? " “ 那麼你應該會做扁豆蘋果沙拉咯? ”
Objective: To provide a method for the pharmacognostic identification ofBaibiandou 目的: 為白扁豆藥材鑑別提供方法
My aunt makes a lovely green lentil soup 我的阿姨做了一碗好吃的綠扁豆湯
Products to lentils, and millet, the main apple - pear 特產以扁豆 、 黑穀子 、 蘋果梨為主
Volcanic rocks bearing rockseries in the Hongtoushan - type deposit 呈透鏡狀、扁豆狀的火山碎屑岩的發現為研究該類礦床提供了較為直觀的地質依據
Lily ladles little Letty's lentil soup 莉莉替小歷蒂盛小扁豆湯
Select lean meat, poultry without skin, fish, and dry beans, lentils, andlegumes often 選擇瘦肉, 家禽無面板, 魚類和豆類, 扁豆, 豆類往往
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