未雨綢繆save for a rainy day
飄飄然如上九重天on cloud nine
大魚吃小魚,天空要下魚fish bite best before a rain.
螞蟻搬家,天將雨——when ladybugs swarm,expect a day that’s warm.
月明星稀——when the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.
不要因為早晨下了一場雨就不去旅行。 for a morning rain leave not your trip.
"草上露珠閃,告別下雨天when dew is on the grass,rain will never come to pass.
日暈三更雨,月暈午時風——halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon. "
"早晨天上積雨雲, 晚上地下降暴雨mountains in the morning. fountains in the evening.
早霞不出門,晚霞行千里——red sky at night,sailor’sdelight.red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.
蜜蜂遲歸,雨來風吹——if bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day
太陽月亮鑲銀邊,老天馬上要下雨when a halo rings around the moon or sun, rain is approaching on the run.
"晚上天色紅,水手樂呵呵;早晨天色紅,水手急煞煞。red sky at night, sailor’s delight.red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning.
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