篇一:Danger signs危險意識
Once upon a time, there was an old lion. He was very slow, and it was difficult for him to catch any animals. When he did catch one, it always got away. He was too weak to hold onto them.
Then he had an idea! He told all the other animals that he was sick. Then he lay down in a cave and waited. When the other animals came to visit him, he leaped up and ate them.
One day, an old and wise fox walked past the entrance to the cave. He called out to the lion and asked him how he was. "Bad," answered the hungry lion, "why don't you come in and visit me?"
But the wise fox sensed danger. He had noticed that there were many tracks going into the cave and none at all coming back out. "No, thanks," said the wise fox. "I have lived to be very old because I always see the signs of danger before it is too late."
篇二:The old dog老狗的命運
There once lived an old dog. When he was young, he was a great hunter and his master loved him very much. Now, though, he was becoming slow and weak.
One day, the old dog and his master were walking in the forest. The dog saw a pig and chased it. He caught the pig by its ear, but his teeth were weak and the pig got away.
"My teeth were much stronger when I was young," thought the dog. "I hope my master isn't mad."
When the master saw the pig run away, he was angry. "You useless dog!" he shouted. "What will my family eat tonight?"
The dog was sad. "Master," he said, "it is not my fault that I'm old. For many years, I've helped you to feed your family. Am I worth nothing to you now?"
The master realized that he was wrong. "You're right," he said. "I shouldn't blame you for being old. I should praise you for all your years of service."
篇三:The wind and the sun北風與太陽
One day, the wind and the sun were arguing about who was the strongest. "It is clear that I am the strongest," said the wind. "When I blow, branches break off the trees, and the waves beat on the shore."
"That's nothing," said the sun. "I am much stronger than that." Just then, they saw a man wearing a heavy coat. "We will both try to make this man take off his coat," said the sun. "Whoever succeeds will be the strongest."
The wind agreed to go first. He blew hard at the man, but it was no use. The man became cold and held onto his coat with both hands.
Then it was the sun's turn. He came out from behind a cloud and shone gently down on the man. The man smiled and took off his coat to enjoy the warm sunshine.
"You see?" asked the sun. "Kindness and gentleness are stronger than anything in the world."
篇四:The lioness母獅子
One day, some animals were talking about which animal was the best. The pig said, "Pigs are the greatest because we have many babies. I have twelve healthy little pigs." She asked the rabbit, "How many babies do you have?"
The rabbit felt embarrassed. She only had seven. Then she pointed at the sheep and said, "She only has three!" Everyone laughed.
A snake passed by and said, "Snakes are truly the greatest. I have fifty!"
"So what?" said a new voice. Everyone turned around and saw a lioness.
The snake lifted up her head and looked at the lioness."Why do you speak? I have fifty babies. You only have one. That's nothing." The other animals said that the snake was right.
The lioness laughed. "I only have one, but it is a lion. Only a lion can be the king of the forest."
The other animals could think of nothing to say. They had many babies, but none of them would ever be as strong as a lion. "One valuable thing," said the lioness, "is worth more than a hundred common ones."
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