經典英文兒童小故事篇一:The Fisherman and the little fish漁夫和小魚
There once was a fisherman who lived in a little house by the ocean. He fished every day to feed his family. One day, he caught nothing except one small fish. "This isn't much," thought the fisherman, "but it's better than nothing."
The little fish hopped around in the net and cried out to the fisherman. "Please return me to the water!" he said. "I'm too small to be a good dinner. Someday, I'll be big and fat. You could catch me then and feed your family for a week!"
The fisherman listened as the fish spoke. He knew his family would love a big, fat fish.
But he also knew that the ocean was very big. If he threw the fish back, he would never find it again.
"Little fish," he said, "I would be a fool to put you back. You'll only be a small meal for my family, but at least they will have food. I cannot feed them with silly dreams!"
Appreciate the small things that you have. Don't give them up to chase impossible things.
經典英文兒童小故事篇二:The wind and the sun北風與太陽
One day, the wind and the sun were arguing about who was the strongest. "It is clear that I am the strongest," said the wind. "When I blow, branches break off the trees, and the waves beat on the shore."
"That's nothing," said the sun. "I am much stronger than that." Just then, they saw a man wearing a heavy coat. "We will both try to make this man take off his coat," said the sun. "Whoever succeeds will be the strongest."
The wind agreed to go first. He blew hard at the man, but it was no use. The man became cold and held onto his coat with both hands.
Then it was the sun's turn. He came out from behind a cloud and shone gently down on the man. The man smiled and took off his coat to enjoy the warm sunshine.
"You see?" asked the sun. "Kindness and gentleness are stronger than anything in the world."
經典英文兒童小故事篇三:The man who loved money守財奴
Once upon a time, there was a man who loved money. He loved it so much that he wouldn't spend any of the money he earned. He wouldn't part with even a tiny bit.
This stingy man didn't buy new clothes. Instead, he wore old clothes that he found in the garbage. He didn't buy food, either, and he became skinnier and skinnier.
He put all the money that he saved in a box and hid it under his bed. Every night, he opened the box and looked at all his money.
One night, the man looked in the box and the money was gone! Someone had stolen it! "I've been robbed!" he shouted. "My precious money is gone!" He lay down on the bed and cried and cried.
The neighbors heard him and came over to see what was wrong. When they heard the story, one neighbor said, "Don't cry over your money. You never used it anyway. Fill the box with paper and imagine it is money. It will do you just as much good."
經典英文兒童小故事篇四:The deer at the pond池塘邊的鹿
There once lived a deer who had large, strong antlers. The antlers protected the deer from attacks, so enemies left him alone.
One day, the deer went to a pond to drink. The water was like a mirror. When the deer looked at his big antlers in the water, he was proud. "I look like a king," he said, "and this forest is my kingdom."
Then he noticed something else. "My legs are slender and my feet are small," he said. "They look so weak. I hate them."
While the deer was complaining, a wolf appeared at the pond. When the deer saw him, he ran toward the trees. The wolf quickly ran after him.
The deer was a fast runner and reached the trees first,but then his large antlers got stuck in some branches. When the wolf caught up to him, the deer cried out with regret.
"I admired my antlers, but they are the cause of my troubles. My legs and feet could have saved me, but I hated them. I didn't appreciate what was truly valuable!"
經典英文兒童小故事篇五:The Farmer and the Donkey農夫與驢子
There once was a farmer who wanted to buy a donkey. He wanted a hardworking one that could help him on his farm. He went to a market and saw one that looked perfect.
“May I try out his donkey for a day or two?” asked the farmer. “If he is hardworking, I will pay you a good price.”
“Of course you may,” said the seller. “I’m sure that he will please you.” The farmer thanked the seller and took the donkey back to his farm.
When they arrived, the new donkey joined the other animals on the farm. He placed himself beside the fattest, laziest donkeys there. The farmer shook his head and took him back to the seller.
“Show me another donkey,” said the farmer. “I don’t want this one.” He told the seller about what the donkey had done.
“I don’t understand,” said the seller. “What’s wrong with standing beside lazy donkeys?”
“Well,” said the farmer, “you can understand a lot about someone if you look at the friends he chooses.”
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