Dear Sir or Madam,
As ***an editor*** here, it is my honor ①to. I am very grateful to be with you and other colleagues to work together. This experience ②to me life-long unforgettable.
However, as a young man, I have a higher ideal. My initial interest is not XX but to draw. I think this job is not my forte. So I decided to quit the job, to find a ③letter that would fit me ④before the study and preparation work.
I cherish the ⑤work here happy time and get valuable experience. Thank you for your patience, understanding and trust. ⑥I left you coming to my most sincere apologies for the inconvenience.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am very presumptuous to write this letter to you. I am writing this letter to apologize to you. Therefore, ①the inconvenience caused to you I hope you can understand.
②In this matter I have little effect. In order to make up for my ③apologies, I think there should be some ways to solve this problem. ④This mistake I timely discovery. I will not have such problem. I'll solve. ⑤I sincerely for my mistakes and therefore the inconvenience caused to you apologize to you.
To compensate for my mistake, I will send you a picture of me by the works of art. Thank you for giving me the emotional care at last.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Dear Bob,
Iam the Chinese student who lodged in your house during my stay in Canada. I amwriting the letter for the purpose of offering my sincere apology to you.
WhenI got home, I found I had forgotten to return the music CD that you were sokind to lend me. I am feeling awfully sorry for it. As I understand this CD isone of your favorites, I will do my utmost to send it to you as soon aspossible. Based upon the regulations of China’s Postal Services, it will takeseveral days to reach Canada.
Pleaseaccept my heartfelt apology. I genuinely hope that you would forgive me for mycarelessness.
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