新年即將來臨,Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year! 祝你新的一年快樂幸福,春節習俗我們都知道,可是大家知道英語是怎麼說的嗎?下面是由小編整理的關於春節英語的黑板報內容,僅供大家參考和學習,希望對你有所幫助:
Many customs associated with Spring Festival have changed, too. In the past, people used to visit relatives and friends with gifts and lots of good wishes. Today, many people, especially the youth, use their cell phones or the Internet to send their good wishes and even "gifts" to their relatives and friends. Some may say this a sign that people have become less caring about their near and dear ones, but we should see this development as a time- and energy-saving exercise granted by the information age.
In recent times, many people have started praying for a career promotion or more money instead of invoking God or the Buddha for a healthy and long life and the welfare of their family. But the number of such people is decreasing now, which shows that people are becoming more reasonable.
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