I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
Active faith knows no fear, and it is a safeguard to me against cynicism and despair. After all, faith is not one thing or two or three things; it is an indivisible totality of beliefs that inspire me. Belief in God as infinite good will and all-seeing Wisdom whose everlasting arms sustain me walking on the sea of life. Trust in my fellow men, wonder at their fundamental goodness and confidence that after this night of sorrow and oppression they will rise up strong and beautiful in the glory of morning. Reverence for the beauty an preciousness of the earth, and a sense of responsibility to do what I can to make it a habitation of health and plenty for all men. Faith in immortality because it renders less bitter the separation from those I have loved and lost, and because it will free me from unnatural limitations and unfold still more faculties I have in joyous activity. Even if my vital spark should be blown out, I believe that I should behave with courageous dignity in the presence of fate and strive to be a worthy companion of the beautiful, the good, and the True. But fate has its master in the faith of those who surmount it, and limitation has its limits for those who, thought disillusioned, live greatly. True faith is not a fruit of security, it is the ability to blend mortal fragility with the inner strength of the spirit. It does not shift with the changing shades of one's thought.
積極的信念是無畏的,它守護著我遠離憤世嫉俗和絕望的境地。除此之外,信念並非一種或兩三種具體的事物,而是鼓舞著我所有信仰的整體,是無法分割的。我相 信,當我在生命的海洋中前行時,是擁有無限善意和無盡的智慧的上帝,用他永恆的臂膀為我支撐的。我相信我的同伴,驚奇於他們善良的天性與信念。他們相信, 在經歷了悲傷與壓迫的漫漫長夜後,他們將會在清晨的美麗光影中堅強地重新站起來。我崇敬著地球上一切美麗與珍貴的事物,感覺到自己有責任為全人類能擁有一 個健康而富饒的家園盡心盡力。永恆能減輕我與深愛但已失去的人分離時的痛苦;它能讓我擺脫人為的束縛,發現享受歡樂的能力,因此我相信永恆。就算我的生命 之火終將熄滅,我還是堅信,自己能夠勇敢且充滿尊嚴地面對命運,成為真善美稱職的戰友。但那些戰勝命運者的信仰也會受命運的主宰,那些理想雖破滅但依然勇 敢生存者的權利也會受到侷限。真正的信念充滿了危險,它是人類致命的脆弱與精神內在力量的能力結合。它不會隨一個人想法的轉變而改變。
It was a terrible blow to my faith when I learned that millions of my fellow creatures must labor all their days for food and shelter, bear the most crushing burdens and die without having known the joy of living. My security vanished forever, and I have never regained the radiant belief of my young years that earth is a happy home and hearth for the majority of mankind. But faith is a state of mind. The believer is not soon disheartened. If he is turned out of his shelter, he builds up a house that the winds of the earth cannot destroy.
當我得知數不清的同伴都在為他們的生計終日勞作,忍受著最沉重的壓力,不曾享受生活的樂趣就黯然而逝的時候,我的信念遭到了嚴重的打擊。我永遠地失去了安 全感,也永遠失去了兒時那令人欣喜的信仰:地球是多數人的幸福家園。但信念是精神的一種狀態。人只要擁有信念,就不會輕言放棄。倘若他不得已顛沛流離,也 會再次建起一座房子,那是地球上任何颶風都無法摧毀的。
When I think of the suffering and famine, and the continued slaughter of men, my spirit bleeds, but the thought comes to me that, like the little deaf, dumb and blind child I once was, mankind is growing out of the darkness of ignorance and hate into the light of a brighter day.
I was sitting outside my new home yesterday ***we just moved last week, and we love the new place***, watching the world go by.
There were people in cars, in a hurry to get to their next appointment. There were birds flying by, insects just as busy as the people in cars, plants and weeds thriving in the humid Guam climate.
Inside the house, my children were also busy, as ever, making a mess of the house ***which my wife and I would soon clean up***, getting into things, their natural curiosity overpowering our previous pleas for them not to play with lotion or take things apart.
The sky was slightly overcast and there was a cool breeze, quite strong and pleasant actually.
It’s not often that most of us just sit quietly, and allow the world to pass us by.
Why not?
What is so important that it can’t wait until later? What email must be answered right this moment? Do we really need to read all those articles online, all those messages from others, all those newspapers and magazines? Do we need to have the television and radio and Internet on all the time?
Is life passing us by as we keep our minds super-busy? Are we missing out on the beautiful world around us as we constantly think about the future — what we need to do, our anxieties about what might happen — and the past — what we did wrong, what someone else did to us, what we said, what should have happened?
When was the last time you just sat, and observed? Why not do it today?
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