A college student was taking a pre-Christmas examination.
As he couldn't answer some questions, he complained and wrote the complaint on the examination paper as a message. It read: "God only knows the answers to these questions, Merry Christmas."
When his professor found the message, he returned the paper to the student with a cheerful note as a response. It read: "God gets an A; you get an F. Happy New Year."
有幾個問題他不會回答, 就大發牢騷,還把他的牢騷話寫在試卷上作為附筆:“只有上帝知道這些問題的答案。聖誕快樂。”
A woman was hit by a man in a junction***交叉點***. The man said she was to blame. The woman protested that it wasn't her fault.
But a witness said, "You certainly were to blame." The woman said disapprovingly, "It was this man who hit me. Why do you say so?" The witness said, "Because his father is mayor and I'm engaged to his sister." "It's unfair!" said the woman angrily.
A bright boy left his family, going to new York to seek his fortune. None of his family seemed to doubt that he would gain success and wealth.
Several months passed without a word from him. One cold winter afternoon his father received a note from him at last. It was scribbled***潦草地書寫*** in pencil on a small piece of oldwrapping paper.
He wrote: "Pa, now I'm under the old bridge. Meet me tomorrow night and bring with you a blanket or a suit of clothes."
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